Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"? Ryan Lochte, a favorite of liberals, is indicted in Brazil for smearing the country with a false report after he misbehaved himself. He got out quickly, however, leaving his teammates detained in Rio de Janerio. [Emphasis original]
It refers to loud, obnoxious assholes who are dumb enough to think that American standards apply, or should be applied, everywhere they go. The kind of people who think that everyone understands English and that people who don't are either deaf or mentally deficient, for example, or that nonwestern foreigners are essentially like either hoodlums or children.
Or that dumb crotch who loudly insisted on reading the King James Bible aloud while following a group of Muslim women around in the grocery store where I live last week. At top volume.
Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"? Ryan Lochte, a favorite of liberals...
Non sequiturs are great because cow fox refridgerator.
"Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"?"
I would assume that it would refer to members of the nation of the United States of America, (or alternatively, people belonging to the continents of North America or South America in general) who are perceived to be very unattractive physically.
He lost several sponsors, and several supposed 'liberal' media outlets roundly criticized him - despite it being the case that it is actually unclear what, precisely, happened. The Brazilian police claim that Lochte, Feigen, Bentz and Conger were involved in an incident at a gas station where a bathroom was vandalized, and Lochte urinated behind said bathroom, and the security guards, who were moonlighting cops, tried to detain them, and were offered money as compensation for the vandalism, then Lochte filed a false report about getting robbed. Lochte admits that some parts of his initial story was exaggerated, basically because he was drunk when he made those initial claims, but they were basically held up at gunpoint and the money was more or less stolen from then, and the bathroom could not have been vandalized as it was locked (which would actually make sense, as why would Lochte piss behind the bathroom if he could piss in it instead).
My own thought is that it actually went down something like this - four drunk American guys wanted to use the bathroom at a gas station in Brazil. The owner either didn't understand, or said 'no', so one of them pulls out his cock and pisses against the bathroom, and possibly causes some damage to a poster. The security guards take a dim view of that, but through being drunk and/or the language barrier, one of the Americans wrongly thinks they're being robbed, offers the 'robbers' money, which they think is being offered as compensation, and later files a police report to that effect. The four drunk Americans turn out to be four Olympic swimmers, which causes this to blow up into a shitstorm in the media.
No! It refers to "'Conservative' American". A Liberal would at least try to be respectful of other countries and cultures and not make an ass of themselves.
Now shut up, Flyboy, or I'll spray you with RAID ....and your little Mom, too!
What do you think of Mark 'I'll Shaft you, Andy Schaftafly!' Cavendish, o spawn of that dried-up & dessiccated old harpy Phyllis?
At least he was honest - certainly open - about his 'misbehaviour' on the Velodrome.
Certainly more positive memes; even for Team GB. [/4chan /sp/]
And some of the 'rhymes' relating to Mark 'Psychopath on the Cycle Path' Cavendish in threads relating to that event at the Rio Olympics were very much from the /pol/ mould: racist . Question, Andy Schaftafly: Would you consider that part of the Sewer of the internet that is 4chan to be liberal ...?!
In conclusion: The term 'Ugly American' just refers to you and all your right-wing & fundie Christain ilk, Andy. [/Donald Fart] >:D
What are you thoughts on Michael Phelps, Andy Schaftafly...?!:
Is he liberal ?
If you'll remember what happened to one of your 'Greatest Conservative Sports Stars' Novak Djokovic in 2016 Rio - ultimately with what happened with Andy Murray from the Atheistic Britain - then it's an extremely good idea not to have as a symbol of excellence certain sports stars to base your entire country's image, least of all your own deluded fundie Christain mindset, on.
Phelps won't be in any more Olympics. Are you going to rely on piss artists - in more ways than one - for your country's medals in 2020 Tokyo, Andy? Especially with Lochte & co's unjustifiable behaviour as ambassadors of your country.
Sir Jesus Wiggins sticking his tongue out whilst "God Save The Queen" was playing.
The only thing swimmer Adam Peaty destroyed was his own world record.
Team GB coming second in these Olympics, Andy...! [/2012 Rio Paralympics]
@Tempus et al. here
It refers to loud, obnoxious assholes who are dumb enough to think that American standards apply, or should be applied, everywhere they go. The kind of people who think that everyone understands English and that people who don't are either deaf or mentally deficient, for example, or that nonwestern foreigners are essentially like either hoodlums or children.
Having lived abroad in various regions I can assure all of you that the proverbial "Ugly American", as fittingly described by Tempus, comes in all political flavors, not just conservatives.
I'll never forget my first few minutes in Europe back in 1976, just off the plane at the airport, when this hippy style long haired guy, who was obviously just heading back to the States, was loudly sneering at the teller at the money exchange window in reference to the various European currencies he was holding: "give me real American Dollars, I wanna get rid of this fucking toy money!"
I'll third, nth, whatever, everyone is saying here. The Ugly American knows no limits in politics, actual looks, gender, race, etc.
Having lived in Japan for some time now, I start to cringe when I see new obnoxious foreigners move in. Fortunately they all tend to clique up with each other an leave the rest of us out (regardless of actual nationality/ most Japanese will assume American anyway b/c fun with stereotypes).
No, Andy Shitfly - Lochte is a piece of shit, just like you! And his sister, is a full blown racist hateful bitch!
Just search on Youtube for "Lochte sister racist" and try not to feel sick while watching that piece of human excrement!
I'd only ever consider accepting this smear as legitimate if you were willing to accept that the conservative, typically UKIP voting, football hooligans who attach themselves to the England national football team are representative of conservatives. Anyway, is Ryan Lochte actually a liberal favourite? I'd have thought he'd have had many an admirer from all backgrounds in the USA for being a top American athlete, not because of whatever his political views are.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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