13th_Wolf & Hoodedcorba666 #racist josministries.prophpbb.com
(13th_Wolf): In the UK there are a lot of people with whom if you bring up the end of WW2 and discuss what would have happened if Germany prevailed, they say things like "Oh if Hitler won, we would all be speaking German now, so be grateful for your ancestors" and I just sit there thinking to myself how stupid and disrespectful that is when one knows the philosophy of National Socialism.
If the "EVIL NAZIS!" won the war, we wouldn't be German but we would actually be more English than we ever were before. London wouldn't be facing a rising amount of acid attacks along with the concoction of multicultural cuckery and the migrant crisis. Hopefully people will one day be grateful for the sacrifice of Adolf Hitler, and he will be renowned amongst all Gentiles for halting international Jewry.
(Hoodedcobra666): Hitler will be glorified as a God, either in the deathbed of the White Race, or in the final triumph against the jews.
In either way, they will hail him as a God very soon. It's already happening.
Also, you gave a reason for me to write my two latest sermons on the matter.