<supersport cunningly refutes the theory of plate tectonics>
I, of course, believe God Created the world in 6 days. One of the greatest questions creationists are faced with is how the animals spread out across the world after Noah's ark came to a rest.
Of course nobody knows what happened...but I think with a little investigation, one can put some pieces together that make a little sense.
Is it possible that the world was created much smaller than it is today? Is it possible that there were no oceans? Is it possible that, instead there were "fountains of the deep?" Is it possible that at some point the earth cracked open and these flood waters came pouring out?
Is it possible that the earth grew much like a balloon expands? Is it possible that when the ark came down that the continents were still one land mass, only to separate later?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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