Oboehner #fundie disqus.com

A test, I'll demonstrate gravity by dropping a bowling ball out of a tenth story window, you demonstrate evolution by standing under it and evolving into something that can withstand the hit.
Atheists don't merely not believe in God, they believe there is no God - a belief that has life directing implications. That is unlike the asinine examples you gave about unicorns. One could also state that believing in God is not a religion as believing that tomato's are a fruit is not a religion.

very good, now test gravitational waves. test a black hole. test dark matter. test human consciousness of a fetus in the womb. cant do it? those are some new religions for you to practice, I guess.
aside from religious texts, there is no evidence of any god existing at all. there is no reason to believe in something that provides no evidence of existing, like unicorns or god (any of them). if any god wants to pop in and throw us critical thnkers a bone, I would be singing a different tune.

Yet you blindly follow evolutionism as it is what you WANT to believe, your religion of choice.
aside from religious texts, there is no evidence of any common ancestor existing at all. there is no reason to believe in something that provides no evidence of existing, like unicorns or Piltdown Man (any of them). There should be thousands of example of hominid remains, yet all we get are fragments of baboons.

blind? no, there is over a hundred years of continuing reasearch and refinement. over a dozen different human ancestors have been discovered, and stories like the one we are commenting on display how science does not make a decision and stick with it despite new findings

i will also acknowledge how the bible continues to change. the laws of leviticus used to be absolute, however now some of them are literal while others are said to be analogies. christianity's willingness to reinterpret it's holy book to fall in line with modern morality is admirable, so i wouldnt call that entirely blind either.

Blind. There is always the fairytales about human ancestors which invariably end up being fabricated BS, and stories how someone points out the emperor has no clothes and it is reluctantly admitted.
BTW, the Bible has nothing to do with the utter pathetic lack of any proof for evolutionism. Nor does the apostate condition of mainstream "Christianity" have anything to do with the Bible.



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