A penis is a rape device; as domestic violence statistics reveal, men are the evil virus problem. Given sperm may be created without use of a man, and women have well proven themselves even more capable then men, castration is something to be enforced eventually for all men. A peaceful and productive future depends on real vision and executing a plan that cuts to the core issue here. Castration is the cure. Stop the Rape!”
“Girls, it’s easy—just feed him female hormones. Small doses at first. Once you see his boobs develop just gradually increase the hormones. My husband can’t get it up and my girlfriends with their strap-on vibrators give me orgasms that no man can equal.”
I`ve got me a feeling this is one of our resident christrolls dressing up in drag.
Then again with radfems you can never be sure, so just in case it ain`t... Touch my male partner or any of my many, many male friends and I will fucking tear your vile bitch throat out with my bare teeth. There is nothing more hated and reviled than a being turning on their own ideals, quite frankly we as progressives are way to lenient with traitoresses like this. Her kind belongs in mental asylums or by the side of a particularly abusive dickheads... you know what? Just scrap it, send her to caamib straight away and lets have fun with that.
Yeah, pretty sure this is a poe.
Why would a lesbian radical feminist have a husband, for one thing?
Yeah, this is a blatant Poe.
If nothing else, the quote marks make me think this is someone writing "satire" of the feminist position by making up "LOL, this is what a feminist would say"-type quotes, rather than someone expressing their honest opinion. Plus the last bit is just blatant fetish-bait.
Ah, in fact check this out: https://archive.is/AUfus
This is someone quoting an article about castration fetishes, not someone presenting their own opinion.
"sperm may be created without use of a man"
- Some say he has 12 GCSE’s, all in domestic science. And that he’s been producing artificial sperm for years even though we have repeatedly asked him not to. All we know is, he’s called The Stig!
I think Feminst Lesbian is a poe. However, her talking points are plagiarised from several presumably genuine Hyenas that can be found here - for instance, another post alluded to Femitheist Divine's infamous "Castration Day" fantasy.
Whether Feminst Lesbian is genuine or not, I suspect that those crazy lesbian rad-fems might actually be sexually repressed straight women - the obsession with castration and penes as "rape devices strongly reminds me of homophobes and their obsession with anal sex/coprophilia and pederastry.
I think I support Skidie's proposal. They deserve each other.
While we are at that, another story pitch:
A sitcom: A Alt-Right MRA and a SJW Radfem are married (for some reason - there should be hints that, before succumbing to their monomanical obsession with their ideology, they actually were happily married, and maybe the occasional scene that shows that embers of love still remain and harmony could be restored, if only they could overcome their madnesses...). Hilarity ensues.
An important secondary character would be Her "girlfriend" (i.e. stalking victim; compare above), a lesbian from the most diverse lineage imaginable. Despite this, she is the "normal" character, with realistic flaws and mundane problems (besides her psycho stalker). Another would be His boss, a somewhat manipulative and greedy man with stereotypical Jewish appearence... of "pure" Scandinavian descent.
If done right, the result should be an interesting mixture of slapstick and profound satire.
Once upon a Wednesday dreary,
While I goofed off, weak and weary,....
Wrong Poe, but If you can't beat 'em...
Also Poe-ish because hand-helds are much more effective than strap-ons... unless maybe you go for the dolphin type. Still, can't beat manual dexterity, all else being equal.
"Given sperm may be created without use of a man"- Err wait, what? How?
Also giving someone hormones doesn't magically make them grow boobs or else women desiring bigger breasts would be downing the pills by the bottle.
What is this? Zardoz?!
The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Zardoz has spoken.
I also second a "Poe" option along side the WTF? and meh options.
In Northern India a council of male elders has just ordered that two young women be raped. Their crime? As punishment for their brother who was to elope with a woman from a higher caste!
The fact that such outrages are not unusual and that harassment and discrimination are a daily fact of life for many Indian women.
In 2012 a young woman was gang raped on a bus in Delhi, suffering internal injuries from which she died. One of the perpetrators, the bus driver said that she had no business being out at night and needed to be taught a lesson.
In Uttar Pradesh two sisters were gang raped and hanged from a tree a month after the head of the region’s governing party said of rape: “Boys will be boys.”
Discrimination against women and females begin in the womb, in the past 10 years eight million female foetuses are estimated to have been aborted.
Save The Children has found instances of women and children being sold as chattels, married off as young as 10, and burnt alive, often the result of dowry related disputes. 45% of Indian girls are married before their 18th birthday; 82% of men are literate, but only 6% of women.
It is profoundly depressing that the majority of adolescent boys told Unicef that it was justifiable for men to beat their wives.
Source: The (London) Times newspaper, Saturday 29th August 2015
Emasculation is by far the best option for men, in fact becoming a female today is western cultures is the best move. (See below for a new BBC documentary) The first step is to have your penis and testicles removed and a vagina constructed in its place.
The following link to YouTube shows the Surgical Reconstruction for Male-to-Female Sex Reassignment
A new BBC documentary
The Ascent of Woman seeks to tackle an ambitious set of questions in a four-part BBC documentary. Why have women been subjected to centuries of sexism? What has created the conditions for the subjugation of women to exist? Has this always been the case?
Amanda Foreman makes it clear history has not given woman a straight line of progression: there is no “from subjection to liberation” story to tell here. However, she is committed to a retelling of history that is inclusive of women, to amplify female voices that have been silenced in favour of the history of what is essentially a male experience.
Why even include this shit? Obvious poe.
Most of it is taken directly from other radfem quotes featured on this very site. A penis is a fucking weapon? Castration Day? Radfem pseudo-science fantasy about lesbian reproduction? Hmmmm
Men rape women around the world, those things between your legs are the cause of so much violence against us.
I don't care if this is a poe, I just want this violence against us stopped, if that means you men loosing your testicles and penis it would be a price worth paying.
Men rape women around the world, those things between your legs are the cause of so much violence against us.
I don't care if this is a poe, I just want this violence against us stopped, if that means you men loosing your testicles and penis it would be a price worth paying.
>Concerned Lesbian
Assuming you are genuine...
The vast majority of women are heterosexual. I am pretty sure they would disagree. Also, humanity would go extinct.
My penis most certainly is not a rape device. I am incapable of rape. I abhor violence and cruelty. I desire sex only with women I love. I have no interest even in casual sex with a willing partner - with a woman struggling and suffering, I would be unable to have sex, and I would most certainly not enjoy it.
I can't understand why men are so attached to their 'equipment' just to watch you, even in company you seem to be in discomfort sometimes, putting your hands down there, sometimes even down your pants, gross!
Trust me it's so much more comfortable not having anything between your legs, come have them removed. Sex is even better with another woman!
@Liberated Lesbian
Oh, go troll somewhere else, ok, Ms. Poe? And if you're a real deal, STFU . As a (male) feminist I can safely say you're only hurting your supposed cause by spouting such extremist BS. If you're a real feminist, you'd be more concerned with women's rights than your selfish castration fetish.
Yes, sadly women are treated as inferior at best in some places. But commiting gendercide is not going to fix things at all. Especially not when there are just as much innocent men who are trying to do good to womenkind.
Seriously, your feminazi behavior only serves to strengthen the beliefs of those misogynists and undermine the credibility of genuine feminists like myself.
@Liberated Lesbian:
Because women are still oppressed in some parts of the world therefore all men should be butchered?
well seen as morality is being tossed out and the goal is to stop women feeling oppressed lets pull a Kzinti. We'll artificially reduce women's intelligence to nonsapient levels, initially via alcohol during gestation and blunt trauma post birth and later via genetic engineering. Then dope them up and use them as baby factories and pretty pets with benefits. As they'd no longer be classed as sentient they cant feel oppressed or mistreated.
and just in case people can't tell. I'm not serious, a world without women in it would be absolute shit. But this is what I thought of when concluding to fight fire with fire.
So you'd rather harm another human being physically (perhaps permanently) than leave the relationship.
You're a cowardly, vindictive cunt.
A few years ago my wife was raped, this had serious consequences for our marriage and sex life. After therapy my wife said that she could never trust a man again, consequently our sex life suffered.
I love my life and I would do anything for her, so after hormone treatment I travelled to the Thailand to have sex reassignment surgery. Our marriage survived unlike my penis and testicles.
Do I miss them? No, it was the best move I ever did my whole life has changed for the better. Our lesbian sex life is wonderful now.
@Trans Lesbian
Okay, it's beyond obvious you're a stupid poe. "I'm a man who gladly became a psycho feminazi lesbian transwoman because his/her wife was raped by a man". I mean, seriously? That's like all the stereotype offensive cliche's thrown together. Do you really think you still have any credibility now?
Like 1938918 said, this is not your personal erotica site. Go bother someone else with your castration fetish.
Of course, there is the very likely probability you, Feminst Lesbian, Liberated Lesbian, Concerned Lesbian, & Sexy Lesbian are all the same lifeless troll. In which case you are even more pathetic.
If someone forced me to have my testicles and penis removed, I would be overjoyed. As a transgendered woman I can't stand to touch or look at what I have down there.
Once a month I even fake a period using egg white and fake blood and drizzled onto a panty liner (tipp for anyone who is interested)
@ Lesbians'
I understand where your coming from and I think men who rape women should be be punished but I love to have sex with men.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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