that the rainbow is used as the homosexual (or Gay, Lesbian to be PC) flag. The rainbow was suppose to be a promise, a convenant to be exact, between us and God.
Genesis 9:12-16
Though I can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow in the sky, it bothers me that it is now used to represent gayness. Sometimes I'll see someone with the flag on the train and i'm tempted to give them a lecture on what it was suppose to be, that's not so wrong is it? I just want the rainbow to be was it was meant to be.
I want the rainbow to be what it's meant to be, too, namely the prismatic refraction of light through moisture in the air, but those damn LGBT apologists won't let me :(
And the rainbow has been copyrighted by the fundies since when?
[url=Yawn[/url]. Just yawn. Sigh, stupid fundies.
From the Wiki article:
The rainbow, a natural phenomenon noted for its beauty and inexplicability, has been a favorite component of mythology throughout history. The Norse saw it as Bifrost, Judeo-Christian traditions signs it as a covenant with God not to destroy the world by means of floodwater. Finding a mythology that does not include the rainbow somewhere may be the true challenge.[/b [/green]
"Sometimes I'll see someone with the flag on the train and i'm tempted to give them a lecture on what it was suppose to be, that's not so wrong is it?"
No, it's not wrong, Lala. I'm sure Nothing would brighten their day up more, than to have some self-righteous busybody talking tripe at them.
It bothers me a little, but in this postmodern, atheistic, God-hating world of ours I suppose it could have been worse. They could have used a cross!
Actually, the LGBT rainbow isn't a rainbow: it is missing a color.
Close though. Maybe next time you'll have a point.
next time a fundie lectures me about the meaning of the rainbow and Noah's Ark and God's promise not to flood the Earth again, blah blah blah... I'll tell him that the rainbow is really the Bifrost Bridge connecting Midgard to Asgard where the gods hold counsel at the Well of Urd by the World Tree Yggdrasil. I don't mind trading myth for myth.
You're free to use the rainbow as a symbol of your ancient fairy tale just as homosexuals as free to use is as a symbol for their purposes.
The rainbow wasn't "meant" to be anything. It is simply light refracted through water droplets. Grow up a little.
It bothers me too that the rainbow is meant to symbolise the gay rights movement, but that's only because I think it reinforces stereotypes about gay people.
Anyway: God should have patented the rainbow if he were that sensitive about it.
Things “STOLEN” from the bible and used in blasphemous ways:
Rainbows. Taken from Noah story, stolen by the gayz.
Zombies. Taken from jesus story, stolen by George Romero.
Talking animals. Stolen by “Dr. Doolittle”.
Cannibalism. “eat my body and drink my blood” theme ripped off by creators of the movies, “Flesheater” and “I Drink Your Blood”.
40 years in the desert: stolen by the creators of “Gilligans Island”.
Virgin birth. Stolen by aphids.
Three Kings. Stolen by a three-of-a-kind.
Turning a staff into a wriggling snake. Stolen by Tommy Lee in sex video.
“Let my people go,” stolen by Nelson Mandela.
The burning bush. Stolen by California wild fires.
It goes on and on. I guess the bible is so “Cool” that everyone wants to rip it off!
The rainbow was suppose to be a promise, a convenant to be exact, between us and God.
A bridge, not covenant. Odin uses it to travel here from Asgard.
homosexual (or Gay, Lesbian to be PC)
I hate idiots who don't have the faintest idea how PC works. The problem is, most of them are people who are trying to be PC, and just make it look stupid. But yeah, to think that 'homosexual' isn't PC is pretty dumb.
I agree! Things that used to mean one thing now mean another. Dec. 25th was once a day to celebrate the birth of the Unconquerable Sun! Followers of Dionysus and other pre-Christian Gods used to symbolically "consume" them in rituals. The God Attis was born of a Virgin! Mithras was the Good Shepherd and Son of God! Then the Christians came along and appropriated all this beautiful imagery for themselves. Oh, the horror!
I agree! Things that used to mean one thing now mean another. Dec. 25th was once a day to celebrate the birth of the Unconquerable Sun! Followers of Dionysus and other pre-Christian Gods used to symbolically "consume" them in rituals. The God Attis was born of a Virgin! Mithras was the Good Shepherd and Son of God! Then the Christians came along and appropriated all this beautiful imagery for themselves. Oh, the horror!
Fine. Join Dorothy and fly over the rainbow back to Oz.
While you're at it, lick the rainbow! A rainbow of fruit flavors!
I couldn't resist!
So the rainbow is the symbol at represents the whole of humanity, regardless of race, colour , beliefs - or lack of them - and especially lifestyle ; PROTIP: there have been straight people who have participated in Pride marches/festivals; like me, they're pro -LGBT.
D'you know what generates a rainbow, Lala(land)? When the sun appears after a rain shower, sunlight is refracted through tiny water droplets suspended in the air, creating a prism effect, light-splitting into the separate colours of the visual band of the electromagnetic spectrum. The optimum angle for said sunlight to enter these droplets, for said refraction to occur, generating said symbol of the oneness of humanity, with all it's differences?:
42 °
I wonder if Norway's fjords were designed - and won another award - by Slartibartfast again...?!
Now if you'll excuse me, Lala(land), after proving the nonexistence of God - which is infinitely easier - I'm just about to prove that black is white, via the use of this Zebra crossing. that a car I hear approaching...?
[/Douglas Adams] X3
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