Matthew 6:6: 'But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.'
In other words, if you don't want others being 'obnoxious, harsh, hateful & "evil"' towards you, then stop using your influence via the GOP, imposing your 'morals' & 'beliefs' upon everyone else who don't want such in the first place. Religion should stay in the church - and only there.
If you on CF, and especially RR, stopped being right-wing fundies and started being left-wing, meek, humble, quiet, introverted & reserved, as Christians are supposed to be. Indeed, if all fundies everywhere stopped being so, then material for we at FSTDT would dry up completely, then this site would cease to exist. Then we'd get on with the rest of our lives in a better world - a fundie-free world.
In summation: if you don't want we at FSTDT to take the piss out of everything you fundies say, do & think, keep your religion to yourselves.
"Talk about hypocrisy..."
Indeed. Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Faggard, Kent Hovind, Tony Alamo, David J. Stewart, who talked about non-believers like we Atheists being 'sinners', then they being exposed as an embezzler, adulterer, being anti-gay (but then being gay themself), tax evasion, repeated statutory rape, and paedophilia respectively.
In other words, put your own collective houses in order, fundies, before you condemn the activities of everyone else.