Hello. I am the Angry Dybbuk.
All right, let's look at what kind of stupidity Anonycoward is spewing now:
Now that progressives are openly backing political violence against their opponents, they have technically crossed over.
Really? Got a source for that beyond whatever variant of Der Stürmer your fellow cowards have ressurected to continue the lying the origional was so good at?
NAZIs practiced or enforced:
Nationalized health care
Gun ownership rights stripped from citizens
Restrictions placed on free speech
Centralized control of the national economy
Capitalism banned
Centralized control of the media
Adherence to strict "green" environmental policies
Centralized control of education
Political violence against their opposition
NSDAP also "practiced or enforced" - LOL - projects of industrialisation (in cooperation with private firms) in an era where countries like the US were taking formerly private concerns into the public sphere so aftershocks of the Depression wouldn't destroy those concerns once they were under-written by the government.
NSDAP did the opposite. While private ownership was widespread, the most famous cases of it are in private companies that were given access to slave labour often in lieu of monetary support. (Obviously capitalism was not banned. Fuck - NSDAP may have continued to keep centralised some of what Weimar governed but they were not socialist - having removed that element early on - and they most certainly were not communist. Some of StupidCiward's points are better applied to the CCCP. Speaking of which, why isn't he more concerned by the love-match between Trump and Putin?)
Oh yes, restrictions were placed on free speech. Government accountability ceased to exist, and Spicer would have fit right in since I doubt he's told a single whole truth since that Orange Cretin took office in the United States. And speaking of free speech, has AnonCoward taken a look at who in the media have been excluded from White House press briefings? (Talk about centralising control of official information.) Somebodies are starting to use the NSDAP playbook, but you're an utter fool if you think the people responsible for ruining a once great country are Progressives.
Hmm, let's see - what else is there? Oh, gun control. Most modern states with gun control laws are not sliding into National "Socialism"; they just don't want to live in a place where acts of multiple murder hit the news once every few weeks because some unstable nutcase decided to use a military weapon against large groups of civilians just 'cuz.
Concern over environmental health? Oh god, nooooo; anything but worrying about the one planet we have! Fun fact: When NSDAP existed there were fewer than two billion people living on this one world - the same world crawling towards eight billion less than a century later.
The Nazis also drank water, took baths, washed their clothes, defecated, ate, and did a whole lot of other thing everyone else does too.
I'm not sure what the proper name of Anonymous Cretin's fallacy is, here, but equivocation comes to mind.