Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist

Preston Jones thinks the Jews are ‘not omnipotent’.

It is who and what is in them, with them and behind them that so far is ‘not omnipotent’ because such evil forces have been with the world since before Noah’s flood and most decidedly since that time.

That is one side of the matter and the other is that the Jews are still here with almost total power.

Veterans Today could only defeat their Jews controlling the country with military force. That is missing and who would want another Civil War.

The Dragon or Serpent, has featured throughout the world’s history in all civilizations and cultures with their religions of the stars, planets, angels (aliens some call them) and they are demons and supernatural evil powers.

The Dragon was potent during the times of the Roman Empire with its evil Caesars. War was made continually on the Christians and their churches throughout that land.

This Dragon made war on the Woman, the Church of Jesus Christ, and had his success in persecutions and martyrdom with an innumerable people.

Nevertheless, she has been protected until this day, in some form or another. This is apparent in history for despite this Dragon’s successful forays, in making war against her Seed — Christ, and afterwards His seed of Christians, the Church remains.

She sits at the gates of hell but those gates will never prevail against her.

Therein lies the hope of the world.

Without a miracle from heaven in the political scene, it appears the nation could be finished and others with it.

That it is possible to rid the land of the Jews, the basic cause of the mess into which it has sunk, is debatable.

In the past scores of countries have ridden themselves of the Jews but only for a time. They always pop up again in some form or other within each country.

Christians must take a stand against this evil power, this evil force that motivates the Jews, that Dragon, the Old Serpent, the Devil (and his many evil angels). The battle is more than with flesh and blood but against the supernatural powers controlling the nation.

So Christians must also make a stand against the flesh and blood enemies within the midst of their churches and nation.

The blinkers of deceit that darken the vision of very many Christians must be removed. Then perhaps their prayers could save the nation as they act against the supernatural forces and against the flesh and blood Jews within their gates.

The walls must fall down somehow and victory come in some form. It happened at Jericho. Is there to be a Joshua for today?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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