Some incels #transphobia

Re: Reminder, hiv infected trannies are more accepted in this clown world than sub5 men


Gradually I began to hate them


dude seriously. All my life up until the trump fiasco I was totally onboard with the LGBT movement. Now I truly hate them.


It's because it's not even any longer a LGBT movement. Genuine lesbians are starting to collect under the banner of radical feminism and are spearheading a surge of anti-trans activism. Gays have long been normalized and some of them as white men are becoming the object of hatred now. Bisexuals were never a thing. The focus of attention rests on the T right now, and the Q and I and A and + and all the other letters of the alphabet that can be used to virtue signal.


the alt-right terf alliance is very strong at least. Im surprised normies aren't resisting this all that much even they know for a fact that if they're reaction to filling their 5 year old with hormones and put them in reverse gay conversion therapy is anything other than absolute excitement and joy, they get ousted for being a bigot. People have no idea whats coming down the line



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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