Right for the Wrong Reason Award

The number of 'successful' left-wing and right-wing dictatorships is exactly equal: Zero!

AoT #fundie dailykos.com

Ends don’t justify means.

So you’re opposed to killing someone in self defense? Or is it just when it’s a left wing government that you believe this?

There is some lesson to be learned in the fact that there has been no successful left-wing dictatorship to date.

That’s just false. There’s been as many successful left wing dictatorships as right wing. Americans just mythologize the right wing dictatorships as being “efficient” and “making the trains run on time.” But the USSR was a successful left wing dictatorship.

Really? Now it’s somehow “self defense” for a government to kill its own citizens (so long as the government is “left wing”)?

The point is that the ends do sometimes justify the means, and unless you oppose violence as self defense then you agree with that.

And it starved to death millions of Ukrainians on purpose because they wouldn’t get along with the Party line. Not to mention the other millions murdered in Stalin’s later purges.

Indeed, just like the US genocided Native Americans. In fact, the US is responsible for more death than the USSR. Since we’re talking about ends and means and all. Because right now it sure seems like that’s just a talking point that liberals push to pretend like communism is the greatest evil ever while ignoring everything that capitalism has done and is doing.



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