When we prayed about my blood sugar, those numbers came right down to where they should be. Now I need help lowering another number--my weight. I have exhausted every possible human effort, and it will take a miracle for me to lose weight. However, I am a Christian and I do believe in miracles. So please join me in prayer, and let's get ready to see one happen.
Ahhh, this is one of those times where I have to defend the fundy in question. LBF is a wonderful lady I've had the pleasure of getting to know over at CF. Yes, she is a Christian, but she is very kind-hearted and tolerant.
She has struggled immensely with her weight and some other health problems that have caused her to not be able to exercise properly (she has trouble with her feet). So, she's having a lot of problems with it. To make matters worse, her family is very critical of her weight. Let's cut her some slack.
I tkae it getting off your fat ass and actually working at it is out of the question?
Sad fact.. those weight loss pills they show on TV don't do anything, you need to change the crap you eat and exercise regularly
And that's EXERCISE, not exorcise! Because I know you'll prtobably get the terms confused
Sad backstory but the prayers will help as much as a pile of insults here (which she is unlikely to read).
What she actually needs is a more temporal source of advice and support. While she clings to her, erm, ideas this is unlikely.
you could try eating less and exercising...that might help. I've got arthritis and an old hip fracture that make exercise difficult. I'm not saying she should run a marathon but even a short walk (or a few minutes on an exercise machine) every day will make a difference. Also, portion control. I went from 280 pounds to 145 by diet and exercise (I'm also an insulin dependent diabetic)
Dear Lord Jaysus, <smack, chomp,smack, smack> please help me lawd <gobble, nom, smack, chew> to lose this weight <nom, swallow, smack, slurp> cause I don't know how to do it <chomp, lick, smack, smack> on my own. <burp>
I say we leave this one alone.
The only nonsensical part is where she opts to pray instead of really trying to work off the weight. But my mother had the same problem, and had to get surgery. The difference with her is that now she exercises to keep that weight off. However, if what Kat said isn't true, she needs, like others have stated, PUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK.
LOL. I couldn't help myself. That was funny.
Rating: 1 for this one.
Ah, not so bad. I'd much rather see people praying for help, even for themselves, than for someone else's conversion, "consequences for sin," etc. Even if it doesn't actually help, getting a bit of comfort and talking to people can be helpful.
*looks down at KatAutumn* Others seem to feel the same way!
The people who say things like "get off your fat ass and exercise" have obviously never been overweight. It's not helpful. You don't tell an alcoholic to "get off your drunken ass and stop drinking" and expect that to work, there's a little more to it. In AA people find comfort in a 'higher power' to stop drinking. I personally think it's a load of hooey and people are merely relying on their own power. But, if this women is an overeater and chooses to use prayer to replace comfort eating, it could work. It's just sad that she thinks it will be because of God instead of her own behaviour.
I'm betting you actually lowered your blood sugar with a combination of diet, excercise, maybe medications AND prayer, thereby masking the ineffectiveness of the prayer.
I can fly using prayer... and an airplane.
Here's a thought, and you might even agree with it.
Instead of eating, pray. (or do something actually usefull)
Good for you, LBF. However, for me, an insulin pump seems to work best.
As for my weight problem, I practice Tai Chi for an hour every morning and take an occasional nice long walk around the neighborhood.
Ahh, I love this. It's too hard for god to help all the thousands of starving kids in the world but he'll get off his ass because you want to drop a few pounds?
I've been a fatass most of my life. I'm around 5'7" or 5'8" and weigh in at around 205 pounds on a good day. But now I'm watching what I eat and I'm working out and guess what? It's working for me.
Put the fork down and get on a bicycle and ask god to do something worth while like help ease kids' hunger pains by giving them something to eat. Or for that matter, next time you want that extra chili dog why don't you use the money and make a donation to the Red Cross?
A parable of Love and Mercy, for children.
"Raising her hands to ask for the mercy of the Lord, to remove her from the wretched cycles that had cast her into the depths of obesity, did she pray for Yahweh to give her the gift of a normal physique, to escape from the afflictions and stigma associated with her current portliness. And lo, Jesus said unto the genuflect lady "let there be weight loss!"
And lo, an 28-year old axe-wielding maniac was manifested in His holiest light, and prompted to unleash his child-like glee upon the prayerful women with many a chop and slash, by our Lord. And yea, that man did vanish back into the forest, to continue to serve the Lord.
After three-fold and twenty-two days had passed, the woman, recovering fitfully, attached to bizarre contraptions which anger and confuse the Lord, yet are the tools with which He does his work, had, in the fitful dreams of the weeks hence, lost nearly 17 pounds due to neglecting to eat, having finally had the demon of hunger cast out of her.
Hallelujah! Praise him!"
I pray that your fat ass shrinks a little bit, as it would be a miracle. There, ya happy now?
(I'm going to feel really, really bad about this later, but I just had to.)
Kat: If you really want us to cut her some slack, maybe you should try to get this quote deleted. A lot of the times, the commentors don't read or care what the other people have to say, especially if it's in defense of the person. Now I read, and I cared, but that joke was more important to me than anyone's feelings. Does that make me a monster?
Why yes, yes it does. Thank you for noticing.
So please join me in prayer, and let's get ready to see one happen.
OK, here goes;
Dear Lord, please bless this banana cream pie which I am about to dive into . . .
Cut out soda. After the caffeine shakes stopped in a day or two, I started to lose weight easier. Even if you can't do much exercise, try any movement at all. Even if it's hand weights and you do some sort of reps while sitting - something low impact to at least keep your heartrate up.
Seek professional help. I know my doc was helpful with those very first steps instead of just saying "run some laps, tubby." Good luck. If prayer helps you keep your focus on getting healthy, go for it. Pray to Jesus, rub a brass buddha, whatever helps keep your head in the game.
Not as fundie as many others.
Try drinking plenty of water. At least one full glass before every meal. Try walking, even casually, instead of driving. Don't eat anything an hour before bedtime. You may want to get involved in some low-strain physical activities before working up to harder ones.
Get your ass to the gym and stop wolfing down those twinkies.
I lost 100lbs in a year, and I didn't do it by just sighing and wishing. I had to exercise a whole hell of a lot and eat healthily and in healthy portions. It takes effort, not just wishful thinking!
Okay, and while you are praying get a tredmill. Or start swimming. Or start working out.
God helps those who help themselves.
"Dear Lord, please steer Lovebirds from the Hostess cup cakes and guide her towards the vegeteble isle. Tempt her not with Dunken Doughnuts, but deliver her from Honey Buns.
In Sweet Baby Jesus' Name..AMEN!"
Well miss, weight is, in large part, influenced by genetics. Of course diet and exercise can help in that regard, but there is always a limit beyond which you simply cannot go. It is also fallacious to assume that weight is a barometer for health. A person who weighs 190 pounds is not unnecessarily more fit than a person who weighs 260.
A fat Christian?!?!?!
Say it isn't so!!!
I feel sorry for her, but she's lying (either to herself or everyone else) about the blood sugar thing, and she's deluded herself that prayer will work on a long-standing weight problem. I hope when it doesn't work, she'll get some proper help.
weight is, in large part, influenced by genetics. Of course diet and exercise can help in that regard, but there is always a limit beyond which you simply cannot go.
When you see appeals for charity in aid of the latest famine in Africa they just make sure all the fat guys are out-of-shot then?
Not a human. Checking box in order to post only.
Lovebirds bes a lovely person and you all should take this comment off this site. She has faith in God, OK, and you might consider that laughable, but she bes not one of those rabid braindead fuckheaded fundies we love to hate, and should not be treated as one. Please.
p.s. exercise and dietary changes do not always result in weight loss. have known lots of people who have done everything they can to make changes in these areas, who eat modest portions of healthy foods, don't pig out on junk, and work out regularly and STILL cannot get their BMI down under 25. it can and does happen.
There are people dieing all over the world in atrocities, droughts, natural disasters, and wars, and you think God cares about your blood sugar and weight. Are you saying that all those other people dieing are faithless swine?
@MCW You are completely right.
Sometimes using the standard BMI is inappropiate for some ethnic groups as their fat distribution is different. For example Pacific Island peoples are allowed a higher BMI and Indian peoples have a lower one.
As my short, rotund Human Diversity Prof. used to say, BMI does not take into account relative leg lengths, so it may not be appropriate for very short or very tall people.
So yeah, there's variation at the population and the individual level, so more than one type of measurement should be used. Like fat% waist to hip ratio etc.
If praying helps you stay focused and lowers your stress level, go with it. I'm not convinced that there is anything listening, but it it seems harmless. I just hope you would show the same respect for me.
you're delusional.
and apparently fat.
Oh for the love of sanity, praying and not doing a damned thing more isn't going to help!
Now, with that out of the way: Get tested for diabetes - if you don't have it now, you may be at risk for developing it later on. But even before the testing, eat better. Not more, just better. Yes, I know, it's hard to cut back carbs (I loves me the pasta!), but do it.
Eat more veggies and fruits than you already do. 8 glasses of water a day should be a rough guide - and yes, fruit juice (100% juice, not that fake stuff that's more dye and flavoring) counts as fliud. In fact, try a variety of juices. Mix two or more together and see if you like it - make it interesting!
People, read the post. She is not saying that all medicine should be replaced with prayer. She is not saying that she is stopping her child's medicine and replacing it with prayer. Furthermore, reduced stress will help one's blood sugar, and apparently praying lowers her stress, so her first assertion isn't totally irrational.
This does not, in any way, qualify for being posted here.
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