Anonymous Coward #conspiracy


I cannot reveal my identity or even how I know the following information but please read! This thing needs shutting down NOW!

The LHC at CERN is not only a particle collider it's a fucking weapon and it's the biggest and the most powerful weapon ever developed.
It can create freak weather patterns and earthquakes. And yes that includes Matthew and friends!
And the power is no where near maximum yet! The plan is to use it globally this is just the beginning!!!

It works by accelerating heavy Ions too immense energies (Well over 13TeV as advertised) then instead of colliding the beam it is dumped either into the earth or ionisphere (Beam Dumping).
The beam is also modulated which can create various effects such as heating,cooling or resonating of an area. The beam can also be spread so it can heat a large area of water or land.
The resonating can create earthquakes from the same effect that Tesla discovered.
Now you know why we have a statue of 'Shiva' the goddess of destruction outside.

I cannot provide data or reply but I hoping some top brains on here can do some research and find enough info to correlate!
We need the GLP effect big time here!

From what I have seen some of the info out there is correct but LHC to my knowledge has nothing to do with portals or supernatural things.
Also LHC_Schedule_2016.pdf has been revised.
Good Luck



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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