KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Just saw the batman/dracula vs/is superman movie and it was nice to see again how the elite/lunar scum is scared shitless about what is coming for them from above!

Nice for them to remind us they're in deep shit but the question for humanity is...

When Odysseus/Judge Dredd comes back to his island to kill mama/medusa/lilith and her suitors/elite are we're going to help him like Telemachus or become fools like in the movie Wanted with angelina jolie and try to kill him?

Are we gonna help the galactic police destroy all the moons on this solar system or we're going to protect them from them?


Found amazing how blatant this batman vs superman movie showed to our face the true face of batman and superman!.

Batman: I came to drink you dry!=Vampire=Dracula!
Superman statue: One hand points down, the other points up= Baphomet=Satan=False Savior=Wolf in sheep's clothing=Satan=Alien Reptilian!

With doomsday Hollywood showed exactly what superman is, a lifeforce leech/succubus!

See also how identical death both superman and doomsday had which gives away they're doubles!
Also batman and superman having a mother with the same name is another subliminal that batman/dracula/drink you dry lifeforce leech=superman!

On the scene where batman was fighting in the desert and everyone who was dying there was getting picked up by insects, this is a blatant symbolism of how the lunar bees collect our souls when we die!
I now have a good picture of how they collect human souls even during wars when thousands of humans die at the same time.

Then the movie showed all souls that were picked up from the dead human bodies were imprisoned in snakeman's whereabouts/moon where he is worshiped as god and were getting burned by him alive!

In the beginning of this movie was shown also to everyone's face that the light they see after death is a lie a trap A FREAKING LUNAR SCAM/TRICK!

A new thing i noticed is how the very batman suit when is empty gives away that batman is joker!
When you look at the suit empty it looks like it's laughing exactly like joker with the mouth wide open!

In batman arkham asylum was shown also to our face that batman and joker are doubles!

Have exposed many times before in all hollywood movies the hero and the villain are doubles. Same goes to draconian japanese/chinese cartoons(see dbz), religions etc etc.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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