Well - I guess I deserve it. Looking back at it, I did get into an overzealous rant about not just Muslim extremists, but extremists in the Jewish/Christian/Muslim tradition.
But hey, I said it, so I must have meant it, and therefore I stand by my ultra violent, xenophobic rant. Just know, that I apply this only to extremists in the range of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Osama Bin Laden, and the Australian guys responsible for 'the wiggles'.
Just to put things into perspective though - this was a response within another thread about the British school teacher in Sudan who was jailed for allowing her students name a teddy bear "Muhammad", and how there are some people within the Islamic world who are calling for her to be beheaded. So, perhaps this little bit of context towards why I made my rant might add a different angle to the discussion.
Regardless, I didn't mean that we should literally round up religious extremists and place them in some totally useless, and remote, area (Utah) and have them kill each other on pay-per-view ($50 a view, Canadian dollars only please) on January 25th, 2008. No way, it was hypothetical.
And yes, FUCK Muhammad. Regardless if you respect religion or not, the guy was just a plain asshole. He hated music, couldn't handle his liquor, and was afraid of women. Seriously, fuck that guy.
And I didn't mean Arabic people as far as race is concerned, I mean Islamic "Muslims"(and indeed white, black, Asian, and purple people of Islamic faith) in general, as far as me calling them pussies. Getting butt-hurt beyond all recognition over a fucking Danish cartoon, now that is what I call a pussy. And that wasn't just the extremists.