It's wearisome to live in a society where, if a person does not ceaselessly self-censor and select words with the greatest care to keep PC, a mindless furor will erupt. Then a statement of apology is in order. This is not freedom. This is the exact opposite of freedom.
A few decades ago the Left actually believed somewhat in free speech and sometimes even fought for it. Now, that freedom is slipping away with constant psychological conditioning in which "official doctrine" must be scrupulously affirmed or social ostracism will result.
We are living in a Soviet Union style thought-tyranny system -- only perhaps worse? There needs to be a powerful psychological revolution against this tyranny.
You have not the slightest idea what it is like to live under a totalitarian regime, don't you? No, of course not. You are opposed to Communism, but that opposition is uninformed, with no depth beyond simplistic jingoistic leaflets written by people who opposed the Communists for all the wrong reasons. You don't know your enemy, and in your ignorance, you do not recognise that you are giving up essential freedom to very real authoritarians for a little security against mostly imaginary ones.
We are living in a Soviet Union style thought-tyranny system -- only perhaps worse?
I can't take this OP seriously.
If this utter and complete moron lived in a tyrannical state, and he had internet access, using it to criticise the government would end his freedom or his life.
Yup - that's right: This guy is likening disagreement to oft lethal acts of physical torture (and yet it’s usually his side that likes to toss around epithets like “special snowflake”).
Next he'll be telling us that a failure to pay into right wing welfare through purchasing the fact-free toilet paper they crank out at a rate of one new title per half-a-second is exactly like throwing their authors into extermination camps maybe worse.
You're free to say what you wish and the rest of us are free to respond in kind. But you don't want freedom of speech. What you want is freedom from consequences enforced via the revocation of everyone else's freedom of speech. Doesn't work that way, asshole. You get to voice whatever dumbshit pseudothought enters your empty little bird cage and we get to call you a dumbshit for voicing it.
You have a right to speak your mind. You do not have a right to our agreement.
a mindless furor will erupt.
A mindless fuhrer has erupted into the White House.
Waaahh, I'm not allowed to call people niggers and flaming faggots.
It's wearing me down. Communism! Socialism! Opposite of freedom! And worse!
You know what PC actually means? Because that term has been so mangled, beaten into the ground and burned that even I'm not entirely sure anymore. What I'm sure about uis that it's meant to help people of different cultures, ideals and religions to live side by side without constantly angering each other. There is no "rule" that is "enforced" to be PC, it's just that if you are willfully ignorant and constantly try to anger people with your opinion (which IS your right to a degree) you are not save from the consequences of these actions. And that's the real problem, isn't it? You anti-PCs don't want free speech (which you already have), you want consequence-free speech. Which actually is as anti-free spech as you can get.
Oddly, I don't t find it all that tiring, living in a PC world. I had to stop and think about why that was. I mean PC was a good idea that just turned into yet another club some people can use to hammer others. Why is that not a burden for me?
I realize that while I don't particularly edit my every word for PC, I also really don't want to offend people.
I just don't. For an extreme example, I just don't get up in the morning and hope I don't use the word "bigger" in front of the wrong person.
It's not really a problem. I generally don't think of biggers. I don't see people AS biggers. I don't generally think of bigger people as a discrete group.
If i were to somehow refer to someone as big, A big person, bigger than me, the biggest person in the room, I would apologize immediately, not because it's PC, but because I WOULD REGRET DOING THAT!
So, really, if a whole lot of your typical conversational content is something you often have to apologize for, i have zero fucking sympathy for you. The problem is not political correctness. It really is you and, I suspect, attitudes that you need to overhaul.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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