David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The thumb-sucking baby public wants Big Daddy to take care of them. Most people are not independent thinkers, and the criminal elite pulling the strings from behind the scenes know it. We are a society of sheeple. This is why government has killed over 200,000,000 innocent people over the past two centuries. Wake up and start listening to alternative newsmedia!
Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said that the newsmedia is the greatest power in this universe next to the Word of God. Brother Roloff was so right. Our own government leaders in the White House, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FEMA, and other key appointed leaders by the CFR in recent decades were caught orchestrating 911. The evidence that has surfaced over the past 10-years is astonishing, overwhelming, irrefutable and disturbing. It is only because the same corrupt criminals (CFR members) own and control the mainstream newsmedia that they were able to pull it off and get away with it.
No one has ever been arrested, indicted, nor convicted for the 911 attacks; yet Pastor Kent Hovind, a faithful preacher in Florida, is rotting in prison for 10-years for not accepting a $50 state license for his ministry, standing upon his conviction that the government has no authority over the church. Since he refused a license, the state of Florida (the same State that murdered Terri Schiavo) made him pay taxes on all his property and ministry assets. He refused, as he wouldn't have to pay taxes if he were a state-licensed 501c3 organization. As a ministry he shouldn't have to pay taxes, just like non-profit homosexual organizations like NAMBLA or abortion groups like Planned Parenthood don't pay taxes.
The thug judge even said Pastor Hovind was a threat to the community. That's how tyranny works, by demonizing anyone who dares to resist the almighty power of the State. They went after Kent Hovind because the State of Florida is corrupt, with Jeb Bush as governor (yes, George W. Bush's brother). Florida is a drug import state, as is Texas. Rick Perry is a flaming homosexual, part of the Bush criminal syndicate. The CIA is the most evil, Anti-American, murderous organization in existence. The movie series, Bourne Identity (Supremacy, Ultimate) is a joke, not even scratching the surface how corrupt the CIA really is. The CIA was set-up to overthrow the American republic!