“This is the problem with you atheists”
Oh, at least there’s only one!
“You have to make everything personal,”
Yeah, that’s why you label every non Christain religion, and half the Christain ones, as satanic. Because I take it personally.
“and because you're not logical, you can't distinguish between a logical objective to your paradigm and an attack on your character”
Do… Do you mean to offer an objection? Because i have plenty of objectives of my own.
“and come away without a clue as to what is even real.”
You’re the one with the imaginary friend.
You care SO MUCH. You just don’t care if i change my mind.
“I'M NOT TRYING TO "CONVERT" YOU. It's YOUR problem if you choose to be stupid”
Gosh with fuckheads like you pleading his case, how could i not return to the fold?
“Just don't blame me because you don't like what I have to say before you've even heard it”
Except i have heard it. Heard it all. A thousand times.
You guys don’t even mix it up to sound new.
“Inflammatory? GET OVER IT.”
You REALLY want to think you’ve angered me. Makes you feel relevant.
You’re not.
Just one more thumper on the same sound bites.