The powerful homosexual lobby rules the Democrats on this issue, and homos resent the "breeders" who make and give birth to babies to the extent that they take it out on the unborn child! A very dirty Democrat secret!
"and homos resent the "breeders" who make and give birth to babies"
Hey, I've got news for you. "Homos" don't appear out of thin air in a puff of pink smoke and glitter, you know. They are bred in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as heterosexuals. We are YOUR children. So why would we resent "breeders" for increasing our number?
No, we don't resent "breeders" for breeding. If we resent them for anything it's for raising bigoted little shits like you.
More like a very dirty Republican lie. Homosexual couples seek the right to marry and to adopt just like heterosexual couples. And many homosexuals have children of their own, either from in vitro or heterosexual marriages.
And if the homosexual lobby is so powerful, why are you allowed to spew these lies on the 'Net? Why haven't the Rainbow Police broken down your door?
How can you possibly claim the the "homosexual lobby" in America is "powerful"?
The ACLU and its affiliates (and I use the ACLU as an example since they are the only majorly funded lobby group in the US who are ever likely to back gay-rights advancement) have a combined budget of £32 million, according to Conservative website, who I would have thought would be likely to over-estimate the figure if anything, while the NRA has a budget of over £200 million.
Given that "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the Ten Commandments (and lets consider here that to find any really gay-bashing stuff you need to trawl through Leviticus, which is essentially an archaic Judaic legal text), shouldn't you be directing a shitload more heat their way?
Guns are designed for killing. The mere fact of being attracted to one's own sex is not. If you're going to subscribe to these kind of principles, at least have the bollocks to go the whole hog.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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