Barry - Pole Choking Faggot #conspiracy
Here's why Bull-Queers & Jews are a Dangerous Combination...
The Nazi party was founded by homosexuals. The Bratwurstgloeckl, a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks, is where Rohm joined the handful of sexual deviants (and occultists).
It was no coincidence that homosexuals were among those who founded the Nazi Party. In fact, the party grew out of a number of groups in Germany which were centers of homosexual activity and activism.
But it was not just the Nazi party Homosexuals...
Bull-Queer - Churchill met with Hitler as a young man and allegedly had Butt-Sex with him?
[link to]
They were Bull-Queer, homosexual Pals.
Field Marshal Montgomery was a Homosexual.
Hitler was the Bastard Spawn of Jew-Banksters...
Hitlers Mother worked as a "Housekeeper" for a German-Jew Banker.
References to follow...
Thread: Hitler - A different perspective - Catholic Church - "Hitler Youth" = Diddle Little Boys
There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism.
It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler.
Two succeeded.
Jewish historian by the name of Samuel Igra...
claims that Hitler:
"had been a male prostetute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914"
Desmond Seward
says Hitler is listed as a homosexual in Viennese police records.
Walter Langer, that during several of those years Hitler chose to live in a Vienna flophouse known to be
inhabited by many homosexuals.
Frank Rector writes that, as a young man, Hitler was often called der schoen Adolf (the handsome Adolf) and later his looks were also to some extent helpful in gaining big-money support from Ernst Rohms circle of wealthy JEW gay friends.
A psychological profile of Hitler. His report, kept under wraps for 29 years...
Langer writes that Hitler was certainly a coprophile (a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement) and may have practiced homosexuality as an adult.
He cites the testimony of Hermann Rauschning, a former Hitler confidant who, reports that he has met two boys who claimed that they were Hitlers homosexual partners.
Hitler calls Foerster Bubi, which is a common nickname employed by homosexuals in addressing their partners [back then].
Hitler derives sexual pleasure from looking at mens bodies and associating with homosexuals.
A well-known fact is that Hitlers greatest hero was Frederick the Great, a well-known homosexual.
Hitler was closely associated with Ernst Rohm and Rudolf Hess, two homosexuals who were among the very few people with whom he used the familiar "du" in speaking.
Hitler left the prison he fretted about his friend who languished there, and spoke of him tenderly, using Austrian diminutives: Ach mein Rudy, mein Hesserl
Whenever Hitler got a present he liked or drew an architectural sketch that particularly pleased him, he would run to Hess who was known in homosexual circles as Frauline Anna as a little boy would run to his mother to show his prize to her.
One of Hitlers prized possessions was a handwritten love letter which King Ludwig II had written to a manservant.
Hitler seemed to prefer homosexual companions and coworkers. In addition to Rohm and Hess, two of his closest friends, Hitler filled key positions with known or suspected homosexuals.
Reportedly, Hitler Youth leader, Baldur Von Schirach was bisexual; Hitlers private attorney, Reich Legal Director, Minister of Justice.
Governor-General of Poland, and public gay-hater Hans Frank was said to be a homosexual;
Hitlers adjutant Wilhelm Bruckner was said to be bisexual;
Walter Funk, Reich minister of Economics [and Hitlers personal financial advisor] has frequently been called a notorious homosexual or as a jealous predessesor in Funks post, Hjalmar Schacht, contemptuously claimed, Funk was a harmless homosexual and alchoholic;
[Hitlers second in command] Hermann Goering liked to dress up in drag and wear campy make-up;
SS Chief Heinrich Himmlers pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film by Nazi film maker Walter Frenze.
Igra, states that Hitlers chauffeur and one-time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, was a homosexual.
Moreover, even more interesting is this, Julius Streicher, the notorious Jew-baiter, was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him.
Reinhard Heydrich, was homosexual.
Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy.
A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a homo-erotic relationship.
Hitlers personal bodygaurds were almost always 100 percent homosexuals.
The Nazi party was founded by homosexuals. The Bratwurstgloeckl, a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks, is where Rohm joined the handful of sexual deviants (and occultists).
It was no coincidence that homosexuals were among those who founded the Nazi Party. In fact, the party grew out of a number of groups in Germany which were centers of homosexual activity and activism.
Nietzsche was dubbed the Father of National Socialism.
Nietzsche is probably more deserving of this distinction, being so labeled by Nazi luminaries Dr. Alfred Rosenberg and Dr. Frank. Others have called him the Father of Fascism. Rabidly
anti-Christian and a homosexual, Nietzsche founded the God is dead movement and contributed to the development of existentialist philosophy.
Nietzsches publisher, Peter Gast, called Nietzsche one of the fiercest anti-Christians and atheists.
Nietzsche never married, and had no known female sex partners, but went insane at age 44 from syphilis and eventually died of it. According to Sigmund Freud
and Carl Jung, Nietzsche had caught the disease at a homosexual brothel in Genoa, Italy.
The extended-arm Seig Heil salute, for example, was a ritual of the Wandervoegel (Wandering Birds or Rovers), a male youth society that became the German equivalent of the Boy Scouts.
The Wandervoegel was started in the late 1800s by a group of homosexual teenagers. Its first adult leader, Karl Fischer, called himself der Fuehrer (the Leader).
Hans Blueher, a homosexual Nazi philosopher and important early member of the Wandervoegel, incited a sensation in 1912 with the publication of The German Wandervoegel Movement as an Erotic
Phenomenon, which told how the movement had become one in which young boys could be introduced into the homosexual lifestyle.
The Wandervoegel and other youth organizations were later merged into the Hitler Youth, which itself became known among the populace as the Homo Youth because of rampant homosexuality.
Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers, the SA) were largely the creation of another homosexual, Gerhard Rossbach.
Rossbach, who historian Gruber says was a open homosexual, formed the Rossbachbund (Rossbach Brotherhood), a homosexual unit of the Freikorps (Free Corps).
Rossbach also formed a youth organization under the Rossbuchbund, calling it the SchilljugendSchill Youth).
Rossbachs staff assistant, Lieutenant Edmund Heines, a pederast and murderer, was put in charge of the Schilljugend.
All played on the same team...
Jews & Bull-Queers - Verses - The World
Working together to exterminate the Christian, Protestant, Puritan, Separatist...
Winston Churchill was a member of the Freemasons, and a member of the Loyal Waterloo Lodge of the National Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
"Freemasons" a Jew controlled organization...
"Order of Odd Fellows" = Bull-Queer, Pederast...