Jared Taylor #racist amren.com
[About Jason Richwine's resignation from the Heritage Foundation over his infamous study on race and IQ.]
I have a simple question for people who call themselves “conservative:” When are you going to stop letting the Left tell you what you cannot think? In other words, when are you going to be men instead of lapdogs?
Because you are lapdogs, Jason Richwine joins a distinguished group of men fired by “conservatives:” Joe Sobran, Sam Francis, Scott McConnell, John Derbyshire, Robert Weissberg, Kevin Lamb, Frank Borzellieri, Leif Parsell, and no doubt others who have slipped my mind. John O’Sullivan, Peter Brimelow, James Watson, and Patrick Buchanan have also gotten some form of the ax for excessive truth-telling.
Our country is run by the equivalent of the most primitive tribes of Papua New Guinea and Africa. They believe that if something bad happens it’s because some enemy cast a wicked spell. Here’s the American equivalent: Blacks commit a lot of crime and Hispanics do badly in school? Vicious white people cast spells to make it happen. Can’t find actual, individual vicious white people hexing blacks or Hispanics? Invent a new kind of collective spell called “institutional racism,” so you can blame all white people. And when you find someone who doesn’t believe in spells but talks about race and IQ, crucify him!
In Africa and Papua New Guinea they regularly roast witches. In America we don’t roast our witches. Instead, we call them “racists” and make them unemployable. Jason Richwine is a young man with a wife and two small children.He is a professional thinker, perfectly cut out for a job at a think tank or a university. Who will hire him now that he has been branded with the scarlet “R” for “racist”? And how bitter must it be when people you have known and worked with, people whose trust and respect you thought you had earned, toss you in the gutter at the slightest sign of opposition?
When it comes to race and IQ, the record of history, the results of a thousand studies—intelligence testing, cross-racial adoption, brain-size differences—along with what anyone with vision in even just one eye sees around him every day are apparently not enough. But some day, not far off, the evidence for race differences in IQ will be blindingly, deafeningly, stunningly obvious. The genes that contribute to IQ will be found, and someone—probably in China—will report that they are not distributed equally in every group.
Until then, is our country fated to stagger on under an illusion that makes it impossible to formulate policy on everything from education to immigration to welfare? We could avoid that fate if “conservatives” were not gutless weaklings.