Alan Burns #fundie

I was struck by the phrase "self-deification" used in the Lenten reflection quoted in #10248. I see this as one of the major tools used by the devil to destroy our faith. It is so often used as in:
If I were God I would not allow ....
A good God would never do things this way ....
If God loves us, He will save us no matter what we do ...
God should not have created the devil ...
God would surely intervene to prevent this ....

In these examples the devil is tempting us to assume that our way of thinking is superior to God's. So instead of using our God given gifts of intelligence and intellect for good in the way God intended, the devil tempts us to mis-use them, along with other God given gifts, to destroy out faith



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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