Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com
Trayvons Murder Father of Six as Crowd Watches
Given even local media’s refusal to tell us what is going on when events don’t fit the politically correct template, a story like this must be a real mystery to those who haven’t learned to read between the lines:
Yarvon Nathaniel Russell, James Alon Shorter and Kent Anthony Tyler III, all of Des Moines, were charged Friday with first-degree murder. The teenagers are accused of killing Richard Daughenbaugh, who was found severely beaten in a parking lot near the Center Street bridge around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. He later died at Iowa Methodist Medical Center.
The bridge is a popular fishing spot.
Several dozen people were in the parking lot when Daughenbaugh was beaten and watched the attack, police believe. Police suspect three or four others participated in the attack.
“The phrase ‘mob mentality’ is probably accurate here,” Halifax told the Register on Friday. “Once the assault began, acquaintances of the suspect jumped in.”
Nowhere does the story mention race, so the reader would have no way of knowing why the father of six was beaten to death by strangers as a crowd looked on — without looking up the word “teenager” in the journalist dictionary to see that in the context of senseless violence it is a synonym for “young black thug” or “Trayvon.”
John Derbyshire wrote a very valuable article for Taki’s Magazine encouraging parents to have a talk with their kids about recognizing danger signs in their surroundings so that they don’t end up like Richard Daughenbaugh. After all, you have to live awhile before you learn to pick up on what the media and other authorities deliberately do not tell you. For this service, Derbyshire was fired from National Review by establishment thought cop Rich Lowry.
Nonetheless, parents had better have that talk. Rule number one is to regard any crowd that is mostly black as an immediate threat to your life. You could be killed for your skin color. The media would call you racist for objecting.