[regarding FSTDT]
They are a racist hate group that even encompasses whoever THEY decide to stick a label of fundie on!
We can't be racist. Race doesn't figure into it.
We don't decide to stick a label on anyone. We don't need to. Fundies identify themselves just fine.
And we can't be a hate group, because we LOVE fundies!
Don't ya just know this guy's gonna set up FSTDTSTDT...
To which someone'll get annoyed and make FSTDTSTDTSTDT.
The Fundies will then strike back with the brutal, calculating rhetoric and undoubtably solid arguments of FSTDTSTDTSTDTSTDT...
...I'll stop now, before this gets too silly. Ah wait, that started with the quote.
I doubt every commenter here could be said to be completely anti-racist (Clueless White Person-ism isn't *that* uncommon), but RSTDT exists for a reason. FSTDT isn't racist, it's anti-fundie and anti-STUPID.
No, it's pretty easy to tell who fundamentalists are.
I don't expect you to know that though. Most modern fundies have never even read "The Fundamentals."
I think what you mean is that the group we are hating encompasses whoever we put a label on.
So what you really mean is that we make up this race of hyper-unintelligent religious beings known as Fundies, give them a membership of people like you, and then commit racial discrimination against them?
Yes. We are imaginary racists.
It's a good thing we're all going to be wiped out in the tribulation and tortured for eternity in Hell, huh?
And its coming...soon now (tumbleweed rolls by)
Yes sir, any second now (crickets chirp)
Okay, real soon now, Rapture time
So sorry, but playing the victim won't work.
Here's an idea: stop posting hateful crap on the internet and we won't mock you! (Radical, I know...)
And I only come to this site to laugh at the fundies, not hate them like they hate everyone else
Ah, I see. You don't *hate* fundies, you only mock them. Just like how fundies don't *hate* gay people; they just tell them they're going to hell.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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