Did King Saul of ancient Israel set up the present Islamic State crisis by not eliminating the Amalekites as God directed?
Yes, it's all King Saul's fault.
Not only did he fail to eliminate the Amalekites but he insured Obama would win the 2008 election by sneaking over to Illinois and leaving a large cache of gold for Obama to discover.
Not only that, but he faked the moon landings, allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor so the US would enter WW II against the Nazis, planned the 9/11 attacks AND helped stage the false flag attack in Sandy Hook Connecticut.
WTF is wrong with people that think like this?
I have seen one religious Jew speculate that, when the Messiah comes, God will bring the Amalekites back so the Israelites can finish exterminating them. Another speculated that today's Palestinian Arabs are Amalekites, somehow. This one Canaanite tribe managed, without even trying, to keep itself ethnically pure, never intermarrying with the surrounding tribes or various invaders, long after they forgot their Amalekite origins.
So, genocide can sometimes be a good thing , according to God?
If so, then so much for the Bible as a guide of morality for both states and leaders.
Probably not, no. It's more likely that it was the futile hunt for WMD's in Iraq after the 9/11 attack, that destabilized the region and brought with it lots and lots of angry young men with no future and nothing to lose.
1) No; there is no connection between the Islamic State and any state in the ancient world.
2) No; there is no connection between the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the modern state of Israel.
3) No; there is no connection between the Amalekites and the people of Syria and Iraq, let alone the foreign fighters.
4) The Bible says the Amalekites were wiped out: see 1 Samuel 15: 7-8.
5) This is your brain on literalism.
@ markb
This is your brain on literalism if you're Jewish. Neturei Karta have also identified Zionists as Amalekites. Meanwhile, there are rabbinic rulings going back to the 18th century explaining that you cannot tell who is an Amalekite and who is not, so enough with the crazy...
Poor Saul. He's like the only reasonable leader the Hebrews have in the Bible, until God gets jealous and fucks with his mind. Now he's being blamed for IS? Saul just can't get a break.
To be fair though, if the Bible is to be believed, none of this would have happened if Saul had actually killed David any of the 5 times he threw spears at him for no apparent reason.
Yes. Because a King that never existed failed to wipe out a race that never existed over 3,000 years ago Islamic state exists today.
It is also the cause of the homosexual agenda and the beginning of the NWO.
You know, I've honestly seen fundies try to claim the Bible talked about Islam when that religion didn't even exist at the time. And that's what IS is: Islamic. Islam is a religion, independent of any ancient tribe that may or may not have existed centuries before the Torah was compiled.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Saul did smite the Amalekites. He was merciful to one tribe of them who had been kind to Israel when they were wandering in the desert, and he kept the animals alive rather than kill them too. It was the latter, not the former, that got Samuel (and presumably Yahweh) angry at Saul.
Goomy pls,
Saul did kill the Amalekites. With the exception of the Kenites, Saul killed all of them. His rationale for not killing the Kenites was that they hadn't attacked the Israelites centuries ago (that the Amalekites had is supposedly the rationale for the genocide). Yahweh doesn't even seem to mind not killing the Kenites, as this is never brought up again. Saul gets in trouble for not destroying the livestock, which really sets Yahweh off for some reason.
Even if the biblical story were true, it said that every Amelikite man, woman, and child were slaughtered on God's orders. Even the livestock, too.
Death to Conservapedia.
Seriously, I hope some hacker puts TerryH's name on a national child sex offender list, and then shares this information (plus his address and photo ID) with as many of the local skinheads and bikers in his area as possible.
I hope that angry mob beats Terry within an inch of meeting his Hitlerian god, throws him on a pile of burning tires, and then proceed to roast weenies and marshmallows over it.
Fucking genocide apologist.
... and they say there's no such thing as a stupid question?
Besides, all the Amalekites were killed. They just weren't all killed immediately. The Jews tried to keep the animals and keep the king as prisoner. But God got pissed, so the animals were killed, too. And then they got around to the king, too; and specifically to render him childless. So there aren't any surviving descendents of the Amalekites.
Okay, let'sss get thisss over with.
Sssaul didn't exterminate the Amalekitesss, Mordechai did. The lassst Amalekitesss were Chaman and hisss ten sssonsss, the main antagonissst in the ssstory of Queen Esssther. They were hanged after Mordechai revealed Chaman'sss russse to exterminate Persssian jewsss. Look it up.
Alssso. What. The. Fuck. Isss. Thisss. How could have Sssaul ssset up sssomething that happened THREE THOUSSSAND YEARSSS AFTER HISSS TIME.
You're ssstupid. Go and die sssomewhere.
A Jewisssh ssscum.
If Saul, or any of his contemporaries, had acted differently ~3000 years ago, NOTHING about today's geopolitics would be the same.
And the legalisation of abortion is because of the hypocrisy of your 'God' in Hosea 13:16.
Now sit down and STFU, little fundie. Or do I have to get out my 'Operation Yewtree is purely down to the fact that your 'God' put in Le Club Pudding the underage child bride Mary: thus not only the precedent for Statutory Rape laws today, but the fact that Paedophilia is extremely illegal'...?!
Considering what he did in the OT, your 'God' is infinitely worse than IS.
No, but he might be responsible for it due to giving the Jewish faith undue legal and political authority, setting a pattern of the Abrahamic faiths demanding control of society on every level and violently lashing out when denied in any way.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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