MarcaDelZorro09 #conspiracy

It's incredible what is going on!! Absolutely blown by this video. Orphan Red, regardless of what people say about you, with this video you've silenced thousands.
On other note: It's very strange to me that these experiments were conducted exclusively by Brazilians. The country well known to be a strong arm of the illuminaty, masons, or jesuits(whatever you prefer) that they inferred there is more land, that no one dear to call on the liars, the manipulators of this reality. Simply staying textbooks must beging to change, as if it's already pre scripted.
I do have an issue with Brazilians. They destroyed a neighboring country with the help of Argentina, Uruguay, England and the catholic churh, in the mid 1800's. All because the native language spoken there (I found out) describe the biblical account of heavens been made of water, and that water is under the earth also.
Very suspecious of these "scientific efforts of these people."
In my opinion, the flat earth will be adopted eventually as the real place in which we all live. But, here come the Brazilians, "earth is as a giant asteroid floating in space." There you go!! Another type of deception been put in place!!



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