Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

All you have said is correct mate, these not so bright Immigrants have enjoyed a very cushy existance in England for some time and, as you have said mate, they have and are being lined up to be the Scapegoat, whether they know it or not, and when the time comes, they will find themselves in the middle of a bloody Civil War, perhaps most will try and make a run for the Channel Tunnel, but some will try to stay and weather out the storm, hoping things will be just like it was before, but they will find that things will not be so cushy for none Immigrants as they once were!

There will be no middle road when the Storm hits, the innocent as well as the guilty will suffer, and numbers of Immigrants will find themselves on the wrong side, and will suffer for what Brit Unionists and especially Scots Politians have begun, and no one will be able to point the finger at the Ethnic English and blame them, although some will try, but what ever they say, the Ethnic English have been greaviously teasted and their Tolerance has been streatched to the limit of its reason and sense of fairness, and sooner or later its going to snap, and when it does, no place on this Island will be left out, it will end up spreading to the four corners of this Island and the Scots and Welsh will wonder why!

And if or when its over, for no one can tell how long it will last, the Ethnic English will come out of it stronger, less forgiving, less Tolerante and less trusting, the Ethnic English will have changed beyond all recognition of who they once were, because they will not be like they have been, and the Scots, Welsh or any other country will never find it easy to take the Ethnic English so easy going again, and the Ethnic English will not soon forget past wrongs done to them, and who did those past wrongs, the Ethnic English will no longer be such an easy touch as we have been.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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