As with the Bible you're supposed to read (and are rewriting as we speak; Revelation 22:18-19 means nothing to you?!), you're extremely selective about what you read - certainly about US law.
If you'd read anything about Kitzmiller vs. Dover, you'd know that the judge presiding over this case was John E. Jones III: himself a Conservative Christian; appointed to the Federal bench by no less than your God Emperor of Fucking Up, George Dumbya Bush.
And after hearing all the testimonies from both sides, and carefully considering their evidence, he ruled for the plaintiffs.
Teaching 'Intelligent Design' (a.k.a. Creationism by Stealth) is now illegal - and unconstitutional - in US educational establishments.
And you, as Conservatives, must abide by that ruling. What came into law was as a result of a decision by someone appointed by someone else, who in turn was voted in by the likes of you, Andy Schaftafly & everyone on Conservapoodia.
Therefore Creationism becoming illegal in US schools etc is ultimately your fault.
Two words spring to mind: Irony. In this case, it can be exquisitely sweet. And Hubris. Something guaranteed to destroy right-wingers, neocons & the Religious Right. And everything they stand for.
@Night Jaguar
That superior shooping by your good self deserves a round of applause: