My brother got involved with a girl back in March last year. She got pregnant and now has his baby, my neice. She was living very poorly with her "best friend" in her mum's basement. March of this year they moved up here to be closer to my family and to my brother. Things fell apart from there on as my brother didn't prove himself very well and is now in jail for 6 months They are now living in a dumpy apartment with commercial like utilities, tile floor, and it's just unhealthy. To make matters worse, the mom's friend is pregnant with twins (most likely my brother's, argh), and she broke her neck. Both of them have seizures and many other health issues. The pregnant one is at high risk for losing the twins because of her epilepsy, her cancer, and stress.
I feel a drawing to help these girls in any way that I can. I feel like God wants me to help them. But here's what's stopping me. They are bi-sexual.
Yeah right, don't help them in any way, after all, Jesus stoned hookers and avoided tax collectors, right?
The sensation you refer to is known as compassion, and has fuck all to do with your religion; functional human beings experience it without needing to be told to by a book of instructions.
The arbitrary prohibition that is stopping you from doing the decent thing and acting on that compassion, however, is entirely the fault of your stupid book.
Ok this is kinda sad actually. He wants to help but the walls of bigotry he's built around himself won't allow it.
Hey, maybe we're looking at this all wrong. Perhaps god filled the bible with hateful, dogmatic, fallacious rules that give rise to horribly inhumane events specifically to exclude anyone who would follow them from heaven!
ArgleBargle alreay stated it.
Obviuosly GWB404 is more a jew than a christian, as he puts more importance into the rules of the old testament than into the examples jesus gave (according to some passages the new testament) regarding the treatment of those cast out from society.
Does the phrase "Good Samaritan" ring any bells.
It's your book, maybe you should be a bit less selective in what bits you follow.
Parable of the sheep and goats:
"...Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. " [Matthew 25.37-40 NIV]
Get off your high horse and help.
@ Eden: What do you mean by "Obviuosly GWB404 is more a jew than a christian (sic)"?
He or she is posting on Christian Forums.
Nevertheless his behavior shows more adherence to the laws god made for jews than the examples given by Jesus.
We´ve got the old testament, this contains lots of rules made for the people of Israel (it is the part of the holy book which, in most parts christians share with jews). In it you find ots of rules in which people are/have to be cast out or killed (by god or righteous believers) because they adhere to certain groups or show a certain behavior (as being homosexual, preventing impregnation with koitus interruptus or just by getting raped within a city). This parts also contains most of the passages cited by christian fundamentalists when they want to justify their hate towards homosexual people.
And we´ve got the new testament which for a true christian comes first. One of the examples Jesus gives over and over again is compassion , helping those in need, even if they belong to the enemies/cast out/ sinners in jewish society.
With his refusal to help those girls because of their sexual preference he clearly shows that he values the old testament more than the new testament and is more like a jew (well, a fundamentalist jew of ancient times, not a reformed jew in todays times) than like a christian. It doesn´t matter if he labels himself as a christian, obviously he isn´t one.
Hey, there's a page missing from my Bible! It's the one in yours where Jesus flips needy people off
Your Bible's missing Matthew Ch15: 22-26? It must be one of those filthy non-KJV versions.
Your Bible's missing Matthew Chapter 15:22-26? It must be one of those filthy non-KJV versions.
Fact is, Jesus finally helped the womans daughter in the story after a short discussion (Matthew 15:27-28).
Jesus behavior might often be questionable with nowadays moral standards, but with regards to helping others it still is better than the behavior of many fundamentalists who claim to be his followers.
Fact is, Jesus finally helped her after a short discussion.
Jesus behavior might often be questionable, but with regards to helping others it still is better than the behavior of many fundamentalists who claim to be his followers.
Well that's not a 'fact' any more than my quote was, it's just another line from a book of fables. In the story 'Jesus's' behavior was better than his disciples who told had him to send her away, certainly.
Are you saying by worshiping him she proved herself somehow 'better' than other Canaanite women (who were meant to be treated as dogs presumably)?
QFT: Eden, I see you've re-worded your original post.
"But here's what's stopping me. They are bi-sexual."
Oh, well then. As long as you have a good reason.
Aren't you people supposed to emulate your Christ? Wasn't he the guy that hung out with the dregs of society all the time? How come people like you always have some pathetic excuse not to help someone?
I can't edit my comment above, but if you read the thread, the woman is going through a lot of pain and needs support to do the right thing and help the family.
She doesn't need to be mocked. She needs direction.
@ Eden
She's being encouraged by fundies, but she is wanting to the right thing, that is, help the family out. It's another example of fundies encouraging Christians to do bad things, like letting kids be abused. She needs to be supported to what her gut tells her and help the family while the fundies telling her to let the family suffer are the ones doing something wrong. She's not the fundie here and she doesnt need mocking she needs stregth to stand up to the fundies.
I feel a drawing to help these girls in any way that I can. I feel like God wants me to help them. But here's what's stopping me. They are bi-sexual.
Then quit being a bitch, and do as your god is impressing you to do.
I read the whole thread, and what I see is alot of backpeddling by GWB404 after the rest of the ladies on the board called her out.
Even in her firt post she says she wants to help them so that she can preach to them.
Are these folks not human? It is a failure to not help where you know you can. Lets say you were stuck in a well, and the only way to get out is to reach for one of these ladies hand, would you stay in the well? Help these people. I'm no religious scholar, but didn't Jesus say something about when you help the least, you help Him?
She doesn't need to stand up to them, they are people on the internet. She needs to walk away and seek out some secular advice, possibly from PFLAG or a women's organization, who will give her appropriate guidance. I have read the originating thread, and it seems the only thing holding her back is an irrational dislike of homosexuality, which is a poor excuse for such a lack of compassion, really.
@ Princess Rot
sentence structure. I lacks it in mi last post
She needs to stand up to the fundies in her real life that are telling her not to help her brother's baby mama, not the fundies on the 'net. Then she needs to do pretty much what you describe.
I totally agree with your post. She needs to get ahold of an organization that can help.
Honestly, I completely support the base beliefs of chrisianity regarding helping others and "love thy neighbor" type things. its a good way to live. unfortunatley, most christians have forgotten what the world looks like outside their bubble, even their preciou bible. they hear what they WANT to hear(read what they want to read). if an proud athiest like me can live by the base guidelines of being a good person, why cant an even prouder christian?
How these people can spit on the works of their messiah, shred the good parts of the book (good as in the moral sense, or what little there is,) accuse other people of what they do, and then have the audacity to say they have the moral high ground is completely beyond my comprehension.
Right, because, you know, Jesus didn´t help sinners................wait, what?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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