Dangers to the home: (The high cost of low living): Drinking, drugs, Immorality, Absenteeism, Overwork, Non-involvement, Low priority, T.V, Lack of building skills
"Dangers to the home: (The high cost of low living): Drinking,"
No, drinking too much, too often.
No, irresponsible use of recreational drugs.
I agree, but I'm sure we disagree about what actions are "immoral."
Poor work ethic? There ARE plenty of good reasons for being absent from work.
I agree, but overworking oneself is not so much a problem of low-life as of poor self-worth.
Non-involvement with what?
"Low priority,"
Low priority of what?
TV? Bad TV, for certain, but, here again, I'm sure you and I disagree about what is bad TV.
"Lack of building skills"
Building what? Can't pound a nail because you're living the low life?
Yeah, if you're drunk and high while screwing somewhere else and working to much on some other job and thus aren't involved in it because it has low priority and TV is more important, and anyway you lack building skills, your home is in danger of not getting build.
Or something like, I wanna have some of what the author of that was on.
Ummmm...I drink, sometimes to much, well I am glad I quit the hard drugs, I am not sure about immorality cuz I get laid, if I dont want to go to work I dont but I usually have a very good reason, I do work overtime if need be, I am very very involved in politics, the environment etc., my low priority is listening to fundie drivel, T.V is what you make it...I know how to hit the off button, and BTW I own a construction company so bite me.
OK, if this is saying that there is something wrong with drinking, drugs and immorality, it goes too far!
Berny stated:
That whole site is a goldmine of stupid.
Further down they mention that refusing the sexual advances of your partner is a sin, because in marriage the spouse "owns" the other's body.
Wow, that horrifies and annoys me at the same time. Rape apologists, much?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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