David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
True or False: Separation of church and state means public schools won’t teach your child about hating the church and killing God.
Separation of church and state is one of the most misunderstood, misapplied and abused laws ever created. Evolution is in fact a religion, as is humanism, witchcraft and Satanism. It requires faith to believe Evolution because there is NO proof, or even evidences to permit study. It is tragic that young people today are being taught a theory that has NO proof whatsoever. In sharp contrast, the Word of God is supported by an overwhelming abundance of scientific, historical, archeological and astronomical evidence. Public school children are being taught religion; but it's the religions of Humanism (i.e., man is his own god), Evolution, New Age and now Demonism.
Public school children today are frequently shown movies at school, or are taken to the theatre. Tragically, they are being taken to see movies like Harry Potter and The Golden Compass. Some evil people in this world are desperate for our children to be influenced by Satan. We read in Revelation 12:12 concerning Satan during the Tribulation Period, "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." With the rise of the New World Order since the 911 attacks, it is obvious that we are nearer to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ than ever before (i.e., the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church). Surely Satan is already panicking, knowing that he must accomplish much in a very short time frame. This explains why we see a flood of demonism, witchcraft and apostasy sweeping the world in an effort to destroy Christianity. Have you heard about the new FLY Pentop COMPUTER for kids, which features witchcraft? Did you know that Toys-R-Us sells a VooDooz doll for children? It comes complete with a spell book, and pins to stab your VooDooz doll with. I was at Barnes and Noble bookstore and saw a Teenage Witchcraft Kit.