Have any of these fools thought of the political implications of telling parents that their daughters have to serve in combat? It’s hard enough for parents to stomach their sons going to war, but at least they tend to think the young man might have a fighting chance.
Women in their prime are about comparable in terms of physical ability to 14yo boys. Why not lower the age of military service to 14? What’s the difference, morally speaking? To me, one of the creepiest scenes from WWII video footage was of Hitler patting adolescent boys on the head before sending them out to die in a lost cause. Listen to the last boy. He’s a little kid. If I ever found myself sympathizing with Nazis, all I’d have to do to cure the sentiment would be to watch that clip and I’d be ready to string them up without compunction. Does Obama want to be shown sending women off to combat? Does Ash Carter?
These people are sick in the head. Women and children should only have to fight as a last resort, and our current situation is anything but that.
Except that no one forces them to join up. The military is a voluntary service. Plus even when they weren't serving in so-called combat roles they were still fighting and dying just like the male soldiers, so unless you're planning to ban women from joining compleatly it doesn't make sense to ban them from any role period.
Quick question: is Bill here an MRA? Would he sympathize with the redpill movement? If so, then isn't this part of the inequality they complain about?
To be fair, MRAs tend to be secular.
Holy crap! There are still standards of ability that have to be met. If the women can meet those standards, what the fuck is the problem? I can tell you right now, there's women that are more suited to combat than I am!
Or is that your issue? You're afraid you're going to fall short of what some woman can do?
Watch a good documentary on the Navy's SEAL teams basic course BUD/S. Pay close attention to how many times they say successfully completing BUD/S is 90% mental strength and willpower. Upper body strength helps, but is not the determining factor. You tube has several to watch. I advise you do so.While the BUD/S course is very extreme, Infantry service is also pretty rough and I bet a lot of determined young women will outshine their male counterparts who don't go at it with all their will and determination. And some will eventually make the grade for special warfare units. Nobody should be out of the running 'till they quit running.
Have to? Have to? Uh Military service is voluntary. Every woman and male in the military are there of their own free choice. We are not currently in the need of a draft so no one "Has to" be in the military.
If a woman is in the military and has to tell her parents that she has to serve in combat well then what political implications are there? None?
In a voluntary military anyone who is of age and is able to serve should be allowed to of there own free will. There is no forcing going on and you are the sick one for thinking otherwise.
Dude, have you ventured out of your cave in the last few decades? Or looked at a woman other than Mrs. Cleaver, for that matter?
I know someone that wanted to be in the armed forces just like their dad. Wanted to be a paratrooper. Was told they couldn't because they didn't have a Y chromosome. Despite being well past the physical requirements. Because of a douche like you.
I agree that children shouldn't have to fight. Adults that want to (and can pass the physical/psychological screening) should be allowed to.
"children should only have to fight as a last resort"
...or the last act of desperation . You are therefore sympathising with Nazis.
Not seeing you criticising the Lord's Resistance Army, so destroyed argument, much? [/Rush Limburger] Also, women in the IDF. Two words: Krav Maga.
And all those Rosie the Riveters doing a man's job on the home front in WWII, thus ensuring the real men had the materiel necessary to give you the post-Cold War world where you don't have to worry your pretty little head about being conscripted , little boy .
How about restricting military service to the physically fit, LIKE WE DO NOW, and how about letting women (who are NOT girls) decide for themselves what they want to do, LIKE WE DO NOW.
It's sexist as shit that I, a lazy male, would have to serve above a capable woman who could probably kick my ass in a fight, simply because I am a male.
It shouldn't matter one bit, because once a nuke falls on your head, you're radioactive dust no matter what chromosomes you have.
As others have mentioned, nobody in the USA has to serve in combat. There is no draft anymore; it's a choice. So the first part is moot.
I also rather dislike how wars are always talked about in terms of people's sons and daughters, as if that's the ultimate sacrifice. How can it be? If there were a draft and someone in my family had to go to war it would not be my (so far non-existent) sons and daughters; it would be me. Why does no one ever talk to the combat-aged people? Why always go over our heads to talk to our parents?
That was me going a little off topic, anyway...
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this is the guy's discussion of Nazism. He thinks about what would happen if he "ever found [himself] sympathizing with Nazis". How would he cure it? By looking at a clip of Hitler patting little boys on the head. Let's get this straight: Bill P could picture himself sympathizing with the Nazis and the thing that would deter him from such sympathy is not the genocide, not the hatred, not the death camps, not the slave labor, not the dictatorship, not the human experimentation, not the eugenics, not the euthanasia, not the forced sterilizations, not the gas chambers... but Hitler's head-patting policy!
If the draft were still in effect, you would still have to be physically qualified in order to be accepted. If, during basic training, you prove to be unsuitable for combat, you're unlikely to find yourself in the infantry. See how it all works out?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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