CertifiedRabbi #fundie reddit.com
I just plea for the people that do show up to present the movement well, although I know that that's probably not realistic since the people that are crazy enough to engage in pro-White activism in the real world tend to have "eccentric" personalities. Just please do your best to not spout extremist rhetoric or display extremist symbols. And please, please, please be non-violent.
And for the people that will denounce me for being a beta optics cuck; of the two scenarios listed below, which do you think will best help our movement to grow?
Strategy A, the "don't cuck one single fucking inch" strategy: call out the Jew as much as possible while carrying torches; don't reject our traditional symbols like the Confederate flag, neo-Nazi symbols, and KKK uniforms; don't be afraid to give Nazi salutes because it strikes fear into our enemies and helps to "trim the fat"; beat the fuck out of anyone who dares to attack you first in order to prove to the world that we're alpha Chads; don't forget to bring guns and tactical gear because it's technically legal under the 2nd Amendment; and make sure to bring shields, helmets, and batons because we're almost certainly going to get physically assaulted by leftists.
Strategy B, aka strategic optics cucking: show up wearing a suit or at least normal clothing; carry innocuous yet subversive signs that read "It's Okay To Be White"; use Jared Taylor as the model for how to respond to extremely politically incorrect questions about race; respond with love and kindness towards our enemies rather than hate and anger; and never fight back when attacked and do your best to act like pacifist monks.
When I was writing comments on this subreddit in the immediate aftermath of the first Unite the Right rally advocating for strategy B, people were angrily denouncing me and accusing me of intentionally trying to get people on our side hurt. And I guess that it's actually true that I care more about what's best for the movement than I do about the health and safety of our supporters that are engaging in real world activism. And this is an issue where Richard and I strongly disagree.
Richard seems to be genuinely concerned about getting punched again, whereas that mindset makes absolutely zero sense to me because I'm simply not afraid of being physically assaulted. And it seems like there's something like a 50/50 split among people in general who are actually genuinely terrified of the prospect of being physically assaulted (even if they know that it probably won't be fatal), while the other half couldn't really care less and even enjoys fighting. And then there's another split in the movement between the people like me that are much more afraid of getting their life ruined through a doxx, whereas people like Richard give absolutely zero fucks when it comes to that type of thing.
So, I don't want to give Richard and other people in the movement too much shit by calling them pussies if they're unwilling to martyr their bodies by absorbing some blows from Antifa and other anti-White, communist degenerates without fighting back - because obviously I'm the bigger bitch here for being scared of being doxxed.
But regardless of who's a bitch or not, my advice in favor of pacifism and optics cucking is simply right. By not fighting back, even when you're justified in doing so, you deny Antifa and the larger left's strategy of baiting you into committing crimes and looking like violent thugs.
I used to be a radical leftist activist that was borderline Antifa, so I know how they operate. They intentionally try to provoke the police, or in this case Alt-Right activists, into attacking them because then they'll have tons of great footage of the police/Alt-Right activists acting like violent savages - which they can then convert into propaganda footage for their cause. They can also wage lawfare against you in order to throw you in jail, turn you into an informant, sue the fuck out of you, and ultimately discredit you in the minds of the masses by making you look like dangerously violent neo-Nazi Klansmen.
You're going to be completely surrounded by dozens of hostile leftist journalists who absolutely despise you and who secretly sympathize with the leftists that are trying to violently shut down your speech. They're going to edit their footage to make you look like monsters regardless of what you say or do. But you can't use that as an excuse to go full 14/88. You always have to keep your composure and maintain the moral high ground.
And try to think about it this way: We all know that Antifa and other anti-White communists are going to show up in droves, right? Welp, stop thinking about them as your mortal enemy and start viewing them as your greatest asset. They're autistic enough to proudly display communist symbols and physically assault you, and that's ultimately a good thing for our movement. Bait them into attacking you so that you can send them to jail, sue the fuck out of them, and discredit the entire leftist establishment that backs them and the underlying "anti-racist" leftist ideology that they represent. And by baiting them, I don't mean lunging at them or cussing them out or whatever. Simply showing up with an "It's Okay To Be White" sign or a red MAGA hat and an American flag will be enough to provoke them into violently attacking you. Take the beating, try to look as vulnerable as possible, and don't fight back.
Congratulations! You've successfully figured out a strategy to turn the left's violence and extremism into the greatest PR asset for our movement. They're the ones that will come away from that rally looking like evil, communist, anti-White monsters. And you and the larger pro-White/Alt-Right community will come away looking like the victims that were being violently persecuted simply because you're mildly pro-White and were trying to exercise your free speech rights. That will red-pill so many fucking people. And you only have to suffer some cuts and bruises that will eventually heal. And that's a pretty small price to pay if you really do care about saving your people from the anti-White left and (((You-Know-Who))).
I know that your natural instincts are to fight back and to defend yourself because nobody wants to look like a weak little bitch while getting laughed at and taunted by an angry mob, but that's honestly what you have to do if you want to strategically outmaneuver our enemies. The Western world has been completely cucked; they don't like bullies. This whole mindset of trying to out-alpha Antifa and control the streets by force is so meatheaded and counterproductive at our current level of growth and popularity. You guys tried that strategy at the first rally, and it backfired horribly. The sane response to the absolutely massive PR disaster that was the first Unite the Right rally isn't to double down, as most people in the movement are (stupidly) advocating for. Give my strategy a chance.
And oh, yeah - police your ranks too. The left - heck, maybe even the government - will almost certainly send infiltrators into the movement that are intentionally going to try to make us look bad and produce legal evidence and propaganda footage to use against us. We already know that they did that at the last rally. All they have to do is send in a few people carrying extremist symbols like Nazi flags and give Nazi salutes to the press in order to give the press the "gotcha" footage that they want. Even if those people are genuine, you still need to try to gently remove them from the rally and go out of your way to clearly denounce them. And I don't care if people will get mad at me for saying that. You have to have a zero tolerance policy towards that type of bad optics if you want the movement to go mainstream and actually make a difference.
This is our chance to rehabilitate the movement and put the wind back into our sails. Don't fuck it up.