Pat Robertson #fundie
Televangelist Pat Robertson warned a father this week to shun his new Wiccan neighbors or they would “destroy” his children.
During The 700 Club‘s “Bring It On” segment on Wednesday, a viewer named Nick wrote in to say that a new family in his neighborhood “claims to be Wiccan.”
“I have heard from my son some of the things their daughter told him, and it really kind of frightened me to hear about spells and other concepts I’ve never heard of in the Bible,” Nick explained. “Should I let my son be friends with their daughter? Should I try to be friends with the family? I’m so unsure. What is the Christian thing to do?”
According to Robertson, the Bible commands Christians that “you don’t intermarry with them, you don’t give your sons to their daughters or your daughters to their sons.”
“They’ll corrupt you,” the TV preacher opined. “There’s no such thing as a good witch. I mean, you know, it’s all demonic. And you don’t want your children involved in that stuff. I mean, they have power. Don’t think it’s not real, it is real. But it is real wrong.”
“I would just say, ‘You’re not permitted to go to their houses or have anything to do with them,'” Robertson continued. “They may seem to be very pleasant people and all that, but they’ll destroy your children.”