Given that Western governments are the enemy of the white race, and that the medical establishment is controlled by governments in all countries now (Thanks, Obamacare), the potential for evil use of this information is enormous.
I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb, for example. Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race that is related to the white race to such an extent that whites would have to embrace it.
Never trust anyone from the government. I think Ronald Reagan said something similar.
That first paragraph was the least correct thing I have ever seen. It didn't even make sense of the things it would need to not make sense!
I would read the rest of it, but it appears to have collapsed into a singularity on itself from the weight of all that stupid in one place, and can no longer reflect light.
"Never trust anyone from the government. I heard someone from the government say that."
Also, these nitwits don't seem to know what a science is. Or Obamacare, for that matter
Given that Western governments are the enemy of the white race,
Funny how racists keep claiming that White men alone built western civilization but can say this without batting an eye.
the medical establishment is controlled by governments in all countries now (Thanks, Obamacare)
Wait... What? You think... Obama's policies, which don't even give the American government a say over American healthcare, allows him to control foreign medical programs? Excuse me while I laugh at you.
I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb, for example. Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race that is related to the white race to such an extent that whites would have to embrace it.
HAHAHAHAHA! And he just keeps going! HAHAHA! All aboard the crazy train, next stop Scrivener Station and straight on till we break down.
I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb, for example.
Being part black didn't stop Craig Cobb.
Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race that is related to the white race to such an extent that whites would have to embrace it.
Too late, they've already done it and they currently run your country.
No need for modern technology and mad scientists when a penis will do the job just fine.
the medical establishment is controlled by governments in all countries now (Thanks, Obamacare)
I didn't know that a law passed in the United States had the effect of becoming law around the world.
Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race
Why would they even need to do this when all you need is a black penis and a white vagina (or vice versa)?
Never trust anyone from the government. I think Ronald Reagan said something similar.
Was that when he was or was not head of the government? Because being from the government and telling people to not trust anyone from the government is kind of self-defeating.
"I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb, for example. Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race that is related to the white race to such an extent that whites would have to embrace it."
Do you enjoy huffing lead paint as a hobby? That's not how genetics or DNA or social dynamics work in the slightest.
"I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb"
This sounds like a leftover from the old "don't give me black blood in a transfusion because it'll turn me black" trope.
I swear they get off on the drama.
"Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race"
But it's all hunky dory when white men were raping and "conquering" women of colour.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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