When I was in High School, I had this teacher that hated Christians. In one of his classes, we had a test on evolution. Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class. I included God into my answers and denied a lot of what was being taught.. instead basing myself on the Bible. I got pretty bad on the test, but ever since then Ive been known among the teachers as a Christian. And some have even asked me about it. It opened a lot of doors that wouldnt have been there otherwise!
"Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class. I included God into my answers and denied a lot of what was being taught.. instead basing myself on the Bible."
And then failed the class. Obviously the only conclusion that can be made is that your teacher despised you because you're Christian.
"I got pretty bad on the test, but ever since then Ive been known among the teachers as a Christian. And some have even asked me about it. It opened a lot of doors that wouldnt have been there otherwise!"
You're a true martyr.
When I was in high school, I was a Christian, but I had enough sense to study, answer the questions that were actually being asked, and (magic sky daddy forgive me) learn something.
"Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class"
Translation : I am proud to be ignorant. Book learning is evil, because God materializes and talks to me and warns me not to take my meds.
When I was in High School, I had this teacher that hated Neo-Pagans. In one of his classes, we had a test on weather and climate. Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class. I included Thor into my answers and denied a lot of what was being taught.. instead basing myself on the Sagas. I got pretty bad on the test, but ever since then Ive been known among the teachers as a Neo-Pagan. And some have even asked me about it. It opened a lot of doors that wouldnt have been there otherwise!
Oh, and cue the "we're being persecuted pie chart".
" It opened a lot of doors that wouldnt have been there otherwise!"
And closed so many others.
I wonder why it didn't occur to her to answer the questions first (to get a good grade) and THEN try to refute them.
If you'd REALLY wanted to impress your teacher you wouldn't have even tried answering the questions. You would have simply written a massive missive about Jesus and given explicit instructions as to how your teacher could be saved. However, you didn't do that so you failed the test...the test that GOD gave you to convert your teacher! Oh well. Better luck next time, I hear you can preach on street corners without a permit in most cities.
Yeah, the bigotry is so deep. My math teacher failed me when I put Stephen Colbert as the answer to all my questions. In Stephen Colbertism, the answer to all questions is Stephen Colbert. He hates Stephen Colbertians.
If you are doing a test of German and you answer about French language you would expect no points. So... Follow the analogy. You were not being victimised. You were being taught evolution. You agreement with it or not were immaterial. You can learn a subject without having to agree with it. E.G. I disagree with the stupid and prohibitively costly (in lives) war in Iraq, but I learn everything I can about it.
So you just showed what a bigot you are.
"Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class. I included God into my answers and denied a lot of what was being taught.. instead basing myself on the Bible."
There's the problem, right there -- you *deliberately* ignored the instructor and the material, and tried to cram your silly zombie-faith into academics. I hope you failed that test.
Wow the next two posts piss me off even more:
about evolution...when i was in that class..the teacher didn't really teach much on it..alot of us told her we don't believe in it..and thats about the time she told us she didn't believe in it either but we should be aware of the theory and what it says...so she told us the basics and went on to the next chapter.
Being known as the Christian is worth a bad test grade and standing up for God!! haha nice job! (I did that in 7th grade too but the teacher was awesome and she still gave a good grade because her dad is a christian so she kindof knew where i was coming from!
Its fucking disgusting that theirs teachers out their actually ignoring chapters in the textbook because it goes against their religion's bullshit. I'm sure these two would go apeshit though if some Wiccan didnt have to do anything in astronomy because they believe the stars are controlled by spirits or some BS. *I dont know a damn thing about wicca, just an example*
There was a motivaional poster that read
Creationist - failing for 2000 years
And in a picture there was a science question and the person wrote " Becasue God made it that way"
Dammit I wish I could find the link, its not quite that same describing it
"I got pretty bad on the test,..."
Did you ask, "If evolution is real, how come there are still monkeys?" How about, "Evolution can't be real, 'cause it violates the second law of thermodynamics?" Oh, I know, did you say that there aren't any transitional fossils?
And you still got a bad grade?
Gosh, its like science has rock-solid answers for all of the creationist arguments, or something.
>> And some have even asked me about it. <<
Number one question they ask is; "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
My 7th grade teacher told us many times "The Albanians aren't poor, they're miserable."
So on the test was the question; "Are the Albanians poor?"
I answered "No".
Got it wrong. Damn.
“When I was in High School, I had this teacher that hated Christians.”
I’ll bet most of the school identified as Christain.
They just didn’t masturbate their faith onto test questions.
"In one of his classes, we had a test on evolution.”
Bla, bla, stood up for Jesus, bla.
Did he hate CHRSITAINS or did he hate confrontational idiots that were showing off/
“…but ever since then Ive been known among the teachers as a Christian.”
Pretty sure that’s not the term they used.
You have opinions, fine. Teachers LOVE kids who’ll defend their opinion a lot more than the kids who sit there like bumps on a log.
But if they ask a question about the curricula, they’re not looking for your opinion.
"And some have even asked me about it.”
Um, no adult who decides they want to be Christain will ever think, “I should seek out a teenager to help with this.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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