[After a long list of "atheists contradictions and lies"]
But again, that's what happens when people tell a lie. The have to tell subsequent lies to explain the first lie until they finally contradict the first lie. And this statement by an atheist has finally contradicted the first lie that God doesn't exist: (Quote)You don't seem to get the notion that the absence of something is a valid form of proof. PLEASE make an effort to understand.(Quote)
Therefore, according to atheists, then the absence of proof for God is a valid form of proof for God's existence. It's good that you can admit it yourselves.
""We have proven that atheism is a lie because of the myriad of contraditions of reality and of their own statements they make.
I could say the same about Christianity.
And since contradictions are lies
No, they're logical fallacies. Get it right.
because they contain 2 opposing statements, then atheism is based on lies and therefore, is a lie.
Oy vey.
Here are the contradictions of reality and of statements that atheists make: 1) That apes breed human beings, homonids, and anything but apes
Uh, no. No one has every said this.
2) Claiming that one cannot curse or deny an imaginary entity yet they curse and deny God all the time.
Only because we can. Doesn't mean we're lying.
3) Atheists claim they don't sin
but do indulge in; envy, lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, and anger, that they have said is detrimental to healthy human functioning
Hey you indulge in them too.
4) That they know what happens when we die better than someone who rose from the dead.
Jesus? Oh, but you can't use the Bible as a unbiased and scientific proof.
5) That they are indifferent to God when they curse him, mock him, call him a liar, and claim he's a monster for allowing people to burn in hell.
6) That they're good people for living to please themselves.
How many people that you know masterbate? I bet you've done it Carico.
7) That there is no evidence for God when they have to wade through all the evidence to claim it's wrong.
8) That there is no design in the universe when scientists (whom they trust) use that design everyday for their experiments and theories.
That's a strawman, Carico.
9) That they can determine their own fate when they have not proven they can.
Appeal to ignorance.
10) That beliefs determine reality but at the same time, if a person thinks he's Kin (sic) Henry VIII that doesn't mean he's King Henry VIII. So atheism is based on one lie after another.
If only Mario could leap like you.
And since they cannot prove that God doesn't exist,
You can't prove that God exists either.
but we can prove their belief system is based on lies,
You haven't.
then we have proven atheism a lie.
You haven't.
But again, that's what happens when people tell a lie. The have to tell subsequent lies to explain the first lie until they finally contradict the first lie.
And thus, blind-faith was born!
And this statement by an atheist has finally contradicted the first lie that God doesn't exist: (Quote)You don't seem to get the notion that the absence of something is a valid form of proof.
How is that a contradiction?
PLEASE make an effort to understand.(Quote) Therefore, according to atheists, then the absence of proof for God is a valid form of proof for God's existence.
No it isn't.
It's good that you can admit it yourselves." "
Oh yeah? Fuck your theory!
According to your logic, where are the sirens, for example? Or the satyres?. Besides, we can all agree that there is one God. What they don´t have necessarily to believe is that God is as you paint him.
"But again, that's what happens when people tell a lie. The have to tell subsequent lies to explain the first lie until they finally contradict the first lie."
Uh huh, that's interesting. Tell me, have you ever read the bible or any religious text with this in mind?
Only on a site for like-minded fundies does this even begin to make sense. Of course, the atheist did cause the confusion by not completing the sentence and leave open the possibility of mistranslation.
Oh, and Matilde , sorry, but we all do not agree there is only one God. Most of us on this board agree there is no god.
The absense of proof is never proof of absense, however, as instances of absense of proof pile up, they become good evidence of absense.
There is an absense of proof for the existence of the FSM, but one cannot absolutely prove that the FSM does not exist.
the absence of proof for God is a valid form of proof for God's existence.
*head asplodes*
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