Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Organic foods and chemtrails
We all know that gmo/Monsanto foods are sprayed excessively with poisionous round up and pesticides, but what about your non-gmo and organic foods.
Have you ever considered that chemtrails are lacing your organic foods and the soil that they grow in with poisonous toxins?
This years worst flu hit areas were seeing massive chemtrail spraying the same week as people in the area were becoming severly ill with the "flu".
Was it really flu? or was it something else?
Chemtrails do not stay in the sky, they fall upon the grounds of the areas they're being sprayed.
Organic farms in Hawaii found chemical residue on their organic ponds after being heavily chemtrailed, and their soil
ph levels were rising to almost unusable levels. The nano metals being sprayed are getting into the soil and causing excessive alkalinity. This is making the organic seeds almost impossible to grow, while the raising ph levels are prime for Monsantos GMO seeds.
So, is there a conspiracy there?
Could a major GMO seed supplier be behind chemtrails?
Who benefits from this?
Who has funding to spray the chemtrails on such a massive scale?
And most importantly, is your Organic foods safe after absorbing the chemtrail pollution?
If you care about yourself, your loved ones, and the future for the children of this world, then you need to start thinking and stop being idle while you're being poisoned.
Make others aware.
Research and share what you find with everyone you care for.