cfbleachers #conspiracy
The Co-Conspirator Clandestine Press (CCCP) has been a one way street for more than four decades. It wasn’t until the convergence of talk radio (the only outlet that gave an information-strangled nation an semi-mass outlet for truth), the internet and “pajama clad bloggers”, and then Fox News—was there any resistance army capable of at least slowing down the propaganda, distortion and lies.
People don’t realize how recent this all is. Fox News began in late 1996 to only 17 million cable viewers available universe. Rush Limbaugh did not broadcast nationally until 1988.
Most conservative political blogs that attracted any kind of audience did not do so until the 2000's. Our own Glenn Reynolds started Instapundit in August, 2001. Our own Roger Simon did not open this site until 2004 and did not get the first round of funding until 2005.
To say that the “resistance” is still in its infancy compared to the entrenchment of the CCCPress would be a massive understatement.
To say that the manner in which the CCCPress reports is a one way street is to deny them the tactical brilliance it has taken for the traitors against truth to demolish and poison our information stream.
Not only are they whipped dogs, rolling over, fetching and humping the legs of their Fabian masters—they are trained attack dogs against any and all who resist the overthrow.
The fact that the NYTimes/DailyDuranty/MorningCockburn is willing to admit it beneath the thin veneer of mild and disingenuous protest is merely because the DurantyCockburn is part of the hyper-radical Soros wing that wants the overthrow to move faster, please.
This pro-Communist, anti-America rag has shown its true colors for decades for anyone that doesn’t have a red-green color blindness built into their DNA.
Whether its Friedman slobbering over Maoism or Duranty/Cogburn fawning over Stalinism or its giving away state secrets and national security leaks like they were passing out Halloween candy—this despicable, traitorous group is not merely a one way street, doing NO “reporting” that uncovers misdeeds on the left—it is a one way back alley, doing dirty deals and committing thuggery against American interests, the free market, capitalism and any conservative they can get their hands on.
If you aren’t with the resistance at this point, you are with the overthrow. And, that includes all the alphabet networks, the magazines, Soros sophistry blogs, hollywood and academia. It’s a formidable force for treason. It has a forty year head start. And exposing them and their plot ought to be the sole purpose of our being.