
Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #crackpot #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Democrats are either too stupid to realize that every attempt to imprison or assassinate Trump makes him more popular, or they are so hateful they can't keep themselves from trying anyway.

Here we are, three assassination attempts in two months. I feel that if, God forbid, the animals were to succeed and kill Trump, there would be a 9/11-like, nationwide explosion of patriotism that would sweep the Republican Party into offices nationwide and all but render the Democrats extinct. There would also be the possibility of serious civil upheaval, which is likely exactly what the pinkos want.

The lizard people aren't smart enough to recognize Trump for what he is, a movement that won't be stopped by a bullet.

That said, please tell your pink-haired demi-gender-in-law to put on zhis big-boy panties, stifle zhis hatred, and stop trying to kill Trump. And while you're at it, ask zhim if zhe wants a pager. All the cool commies are carrying them again, and leftists hate testicles anyway.

Kevin Downey Jr. #pratt #homophobia pjmedia.com

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun to make her look sophisticated and intelligent. It was her first day of college and, for her, her first day as an adult. Also, her name was no longer Abbey. That's too girly, too "small-town Ohio." As of today, she was Abigail. Abigail the beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated adult living in New York City.

When Abigail graduated in May of 2022, she was unrecognizable. In the world of the communists—where she had spent the last four years—beauty is ugly. Make-up and pretty clothes are signs that you have too much money when others have too little. Most of Abigail's hair had been cropped off, and what was left was Ty D Bowl blue. Her multiple face piercings made her look like she had fallen face-first into Grandpa's tackle box. She wore a man's "wife beater" t-shirt because she wanted the world to see what looked like sea urchins in her armpits. And she is no longer Abigail. After a short stint as "Gail," she now insisted everyone call her "Gay," even though she was what her actual gay friends mockingly referred to as a "breeder."

Abigail was taught to hate herself, and she did. She had the cutting marks on her evil, white thigh to prove it. And like every other wealthy, white kid who goes to college to learn to hate their own race into extinction, she began directing her hatred at what she had been taught was the cause of all the world's problems: other white people like herself.

Kevin Downey Jr. #pratt #enbyphobia pjmedia.com

As if your pale, vegan, demi-gender-in-law wasn't annoying enough when zhe whined about your F-150 tearing apart the clouds, now zhe has another target: your cats and dogs.

Yes, cats kill a lot of birds. It's what their nature tells them to do. Nature, climate, get it? Suck it, libs!

The truth is, house pets and the food they consume aren't causing hurricanes or boiling the seas, yet Fluffy and Mr. Whiskers have found themselves in the crosshairs of the prairie fairies.

Paula Boylard #conspiracy pjmedia.com

The Democrat Party platform calls for a ban on federal funding for for-profit charter schools and opposes "private school vouchers and other policies that divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system." Instead, they want to "reimagine" public education to include boys in girls' bathrooms, aggressive climate-change fear-mongering, and getting kids into the system as early as possible with free universal preschool babysitting.

The good news is that Americans are waking up to the fact that most public schools are cesspools of woke ideology and dismal academic ratings. Parents are smart and determined when it comes to their children's education. Unlike the education establishment, they're not obsessed with test scores—in fact, many think that schools focus too much on tests. They want their kids to be safe, cared for, and taught reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. It's a simple formula that worked well until the progressives took over education and began focusing on garbage like social-emotional learning and sex education.

The bad news is that the Left is not going to give up control of the schools without a fight. The Democrats are beholden to teachers' unions, which care more about advancing teachers' unions than teaching children, and together, they will sink every dollar they can into getting Kamala "bring back school busing" Harris into the White House.

Catherine Salgado #fundie pjmedia.com

How did America, the land of the free, reach the crisis point we now face today? The Father of Our Country would have an answer for us: “boundless ambition” and “corrupted morals.”

Child mutilation, baby murder, no consequences for violent crime, election fraud, money laundering, mainstream sexual perversion—this describes not some ancient tyranny or Communist banana republic but our current state in America, once a beacon of Judeo-Christian values and liberty. The tide can be reversed but only if we are honest about the root causes of this crisis and willing to heed George Washington's warning.

As Washington’s fellow founder, John Adams, noted, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As we see our most sacred constitutional rights under attack from the very leaders who are supposed to protect them, we can see painfully and clearly how right Adams was.
Washington, in the undelivered address, reflected, “The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institutions may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances be made subservient to the vilest of purposes.”

Now, even men and women who consider themselves Christians and/or conservatives justify the brutal murder of unborn babies. Donald Trump, while talking about his gratitude to God for miraculously protecting him from a deadly shooting, is compromising more than ever on abortion (even though most Americans believe in restricting abortion), and the main result is Trump’s own base taking offense.

Can we expect God to bless us when we have a multitude of excuses, in defiance of the natural and moral laws and ample scientific evidence—and in spite of abortion never being necessary to save a mother—as to why we should crush babies’ skulls and rip off their limbs? The Founding Fathers were pro-life, and they would have replied, “No.”

Chris Queen #homophobia #transphobia pjmedia.com

Business owners who cater to Florida’s LGBTQ+ tourists said Wednesday that it marked the latest attempt by officials in the state to erase the LGBTQ+ community,” the AP report continues. “Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis previously championed a bill to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and supported a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, as well as a law meant to keep children out of drag shows.”

Protecting children and removing a page from a website aren’t “eras[ing] the LGBTQ+ community,” whatever that means. We all know that we can’t escape the Pride Cult no matter how hard we try.

What the AP buries in the story is that the Visit Florida website is a public-private partnership with the state contributing from economic development funds but not having complete control over content. This destroys the left’s image of DeSantis looking down from on high declaring, “Take the gay travel page down. We must erase the gays!”

At the end of the day, taking down a special LGBTQ travel page isn’t going to discourage anybody but the most militant gay activists. The movers and shakers in Florida’s tourism industry know this, which is why they’re willing to let Visit Florida promote travel for everyone.

Kevin Downey Jr. #dunning-kruger #pratt pjmedia.com

For starters, the suggestions in Project 2025 are not nearly as dangerous as BLM's intent to defund the police, which has happened with deadly effect nationwide, leading to an explosion in crime that has mostly affected black communities. Despite the carnage, BLM still calls for defunding the police, because that is what Marxists do.

And honestly, I can't assure you Project 2025 wasn't written in part by never-Trumpers looking to make trouble before November.

As expected, Democrat fear-peddlers are treating Project 2025 like it's the Republicans' "Mein Kampf."

Social media is bursting with memes spewing fake details from Project 2025 and the left is screeching in their Crocs.

Here's the fun part: Trump has already denounced it, but that doesn't stop the namby-pamby Chicken-Little types from trying to terrify low-info barely-thinkers into panic mode.
Whereas I do not agree with everything posted, most of it is spot on.

The document largely calls for Trump to—if he wins—"de-woke" our government. It's pro-family and pro-life. It states that the "next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgender activism" (page 284).

I'm cool with that.

It does not suggest:

Making birth control illegal
Putting illegal immigrants in "concentration camps"
Ending overtime pay
Ending school lunch programs
Cutting veterans' benefits
Project 2025 is nothing more than 922 pages of opinions and recommendations, many of which make sense.

If you want to do battle with factless chuckleheads on Facebook—which is pointless, they never learn—you can read Project 2025 below.

David Soloway #transphobia #sexist pjmedia.com

We’ve all heard about the need for a “course correction” in the development of certain affairs, but rarely, especially when it comes to the most crucial aspects of a culture, of a “thought correction.” This is certainly true of one of the most damaging ideological deformities of the modern West, namely, feminism. When it comes to feminism, whether as a practice or a theory, even its most astute and honorable adversaries do not tend to think clearly, as I hope to show.

If it should turn out that Khelif is indeed female, then there is no argument. She is just a very big girl with a competitive advantage over others of her sex. If her chromosomal packet remains disputable and it turns out that Khelif is a bivalent creature, there is ample room for suspicion and disbelief of those who claim that Khelif is a woman. Khalif not only looks like a man, is built like a man, and may well possess x/y chromosomes, but is a man in effect and action and not a woman or a hermaphrodite. In which case, sympathy and concern for the young woman whose nose he broke in the ring is precisely what any decent person would feel—as many have. But caution is required about the real issue.

There is everything to be said for helping women who have been brutalized or unconscionably hurt. But the thinking is often, as in this case, wildly off the mark. If one really wishes to help victims like Angela Carini or to establish both a social and athletic arena of fairness in the matter, one must first put a check on one’s sentimental feelings and expressions of fury or indignation, and determine where the septicemia actually lies. And any objective assessment will reveal precisely where the fault is to be found. It’s called feminism.

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

SHOCKER! Biden's Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores Sweetheart Deal

DRAG-O-RAMA! Brinton is a member of a troupe of drag queens called
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." You may remember them as the needy men in dresses who make hapless attempts to annoy Catholics by dressing as nuns. Brinton's drag name is "Sister Ray Dee O'active," though he is no longer employed by the federal government as the nuclear waste master-blaster. Another member of the same troupe, Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, was arrested for publicly "arm wrestling Mr. Richard," if you get my drift.

Catherine Salgado #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Ohio’s Olentangy Local Schools can now penalize students who “intentionally” misgender, thanks to the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, as The Columbus Dispatch reports. Those confused individuals who think they can be transgender despite biology and who claim that there are dozens of genders are now a protected and favored class. Rest in peace, First Amendment — and parental rights.

As Circuit Judge Alice Batchelder wrote in her dissent from the court’s majority ruling, the First Amendment does (in a world not gone mad on wokeness) stop the district “from compelling students to use speech that conveys a message with which they disagree, namely that biology does not determine gender.” Parents Defending Education (PDE) had argued in a legal filing that the schools’ policy violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments and even penalized students for activity on their devices when not at school. Such LGBTQ policies attack both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

So now schools must suppress liberty to promote “safety.” The Founders would be appalled; as Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Notice no one ever consults the feelings and safety of individuals who do not want to participate in the LGBTQ ideological lie.

The pernicious school district happily told The Dispatch that the ruling “affirmed the constitutionality of our policies, and we remain committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all of our students.” That doesn't include students who want to live in reality. There are days I am infinitely grateful I was homeschooled.

Kevin Downey. Jr #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Gov. "Comrade" Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) recently passed a law stating that schools cannot alert parents if their teen boy mentions wanting to "Hassan Chop" his twig and berries.

Would they notify the parents if the kid claimed he was suicidal?

The sexualization of children is for two demonic reasons: first, to separate kids from their parents so "the state" can brainwash them. And, what's more insidious, I have a feeling that the Maoists want to add an "M" to the LGBTFBI crew. The "M" stands for "MAP" or "minor-attracted person." They won't use the word "pedophile" because they'd hate to offend a child rapist and also because they want to destigmatize and normalize the sexual assault of kids.

Your liberal, pink-haired sister will fight for the genital mutilation of kids and will think she is better than you for doing it because she is in a cult, and her desperate need to belong to something, as well as her burning desire to feel superior to you, is more important to her than anything else.

So how do we fight the cultural Marxism worming its way through every institution in America? You do what Americans have always done: fight back.

Ben Bartee #homophobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

They like to hubristically believe that they have achieved narrative hegemony, so it’s as perplexing as it is infuriating when a provincial outpost on the geopolitical scene has the gall to defy their programming.

The immorality of imposing the West’s gender ideology on countries like Uganda should not be glossed over. I have written previously about this phenomenon, which I have branded LGBTQ+++™ new-age neo-colonialism, because that’s exactly what it is.

While I don’t subscribe to the belief that gays should be imprisoned or executed ISIS-style just for being gay, it is nonetheless refreshing to see Uganda assert its national sovereignty so firmly, even against such immense international pressure from the degenerate UN, U.S. and European Union governments.

GRAYSON BAKICH #transphobia #racist pjmedia.com

I have written about the crimes of illegal immigrants — *ahem* newcomers — and transgender individuals, but this marks the first time I have ever seen a twofer.

In Denver last week, police officers shot and killed a 52-year-old man pretending to be a woman named Miguel Tapia (no, not the Chilean singer, and yes, a lot of the news outlets still call him a woman) because he was on the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence holding a hunting knife and apparently yelling angrily.

Because this guy fits into two categories that the left considers more valuable than Americans' lives, only people on X are getting these details out to the wider public, and Google isn't displaying much about this story. Whatever results you find when you search still refer to Tapia or Gonzalez or whatever his name was as a woman and do not bring up those two facts about him.

Given those details and the fact that, thankfully, nobody else was injured or killed in the encounter, expect this to be swept under the rug.

But hearing these news stories that the mainstream media would prefer you not know about is precisely why sites like PJ Media exist and why those same media companies and their allies in Big Tech and government try to silence us.

C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

Bill Maher #conspiracy #homophobia pjmedia.com

"Contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren't miniature adults wise beyond their years. They're morons," he pointed. out. "They're gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grown-ups, and they don't have any frame of reference, so they normalize whatever is happening. That's why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn't just inappropriate."

For example, after 9/11, there were several cases of overzealous federal agents leading sad losers into terrorist plots like the undercover FBI agent who got seven out-of-work dudes in Liberty City, FL, to sign onto a plot to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Oh please, these guys didn't even have a gun, but when someone said, "Wouldn't it be cool if we taught the man a lesson and blew something up?" They said, "Yeah, that would be kind of cool!"

Entrapment, suggesting someone into something they wouldn't otherwise do. And if you think some of that isn't going on with gender in schools, you're not watching enough TikTok videos.

There's a certain kind of activist these days who wants to take heterosexuality, old school, old fashioned, boring, minding its own business heterosexuality, and lump it in with patriarchy and sexism and racism and tell kids, "Wouldn't it be cool if you were anything but that?" It also seems to be the theme of kind of a lot of kids' books these days. I never used the phrase "gay agenda" because I thought it was mostly nonsense, and it is, mostly.

If something about the human race is changing at a previously unprecedented rate, we have to at least discuss it. Broken down over time, the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation.” He then cited a Gallup poll that showed that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identify as LGBT, 2.6% of Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of Millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z.

“If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,”

Robert Spencer #homophobia pjmedia.com

Butker’s outrageous crime was that he gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College, and took aim at some of the most cherished idols of our age. He encouraged the graduates to take pride in themselves and their accomplishments: “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.” As far as leftists are concerned, to criticize Pride Month would be akin to ripping up Betsy Ross’ American flag while standing in front of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and Butker wasn’t finished.

CATHERINE SALGADO #transphobia #crackpot pjmedia.com

So if a creepy dude in a dress is leering at you or your little daughter in the women’s restroom and you dislike it, then you’re the problem. Ignore the multiple examples of “transgender” or “gender fluid” males sexually assaulting, injuring, and even raping women and girls in bathrooms; all sane people must cater to those with mental illness. In short, the inmates are running the asylum.

STEPHEN KRUISER #homophobia pjmedia.com

Good for him. It's absolutely insane that people aren't allowed to say "Christmas" at a public school, but a government entity can force an employee to worship its secular quasi-religion.

This is where everything goes awry for people like me. The heavy-handed "you will be made to care" approach by the militant LGBTQ+ mob provokes a rebound reaction. I'm all about live and let live, but around the 500th forced rainbow sighting of June — I think we're already there this year — I'm more than a little irritated with the whole thing.

Obviously, I'm not the only one. I follow a lot of the University of Arizona's athletic accounts on Instagram, and most of them did perfunctory Pride posts. Put mildly, they were savaged in the comments. In fact, there were a lot of "Vote Trump" responses, which added a little something to the madness.

Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and virtue signaling is stupid.

The LGBTQ+ Alphabet Mafia is not an oppressed fringe group; it's a bully fringe group. Pride Month is not a celebration; it's a confrontation.

OK, it's intended to be a confrontation. What it ends up being is 30 days of the most boring loud people in America trying to shock the public in parades. Not edgy, just cliché.

We will wrap up this Monday on a light note with a bonus video from "Family Guy" that fits perfectly:

Robert Spencer #transphobia #sexist pjmedia.com

The mind reels with lurid possibilities. What are Vance’s “weird views on gender”? Does he think that men can magically turn into champion female swimmers and women of the year? Does he think drag queens should be sent into primary schools to teach children the glories of the latest LGBTQWTF fantasies? Does he think parents should lose custody of their children if they don’t affirm their delusions that they belong to the opposite sex?

Nah. Politico would think all that was as normal as pink hair and nose rings. What Politico finds “weird” is that Vance is “staunchly opposed to abortion” and has even compared the left’s sacramental child sacrifice to slavery, another moral evil that once enjoyed the protection of a Supreme Court ruling. Even worse, as far as Politico is concerned, is the fact that Vance has “promoted Viktor Orban’s pro-natalist policies in Hungary, which offer paybacks to married couples that scale up along with the number of children.” Good heavens! He wants people to have more children? But what about their carbon footprint?

Vance also “opposes same-sex marriage.” He had the audacity in 2022 to suggest that “the sexual revolution had made divorce too easy (people nowadays ‘shift spouses like they change their underwear’), arguing that people in unhappy marriages, and maybe even those in violent ones, should stay together for their children.” This is a canard Vance has heard before, and Politico was minimally gracious enough to include his response: “His campaign said such an insinuation was ‘preposterous,’ but you can watch the video yourself and be the judge.”

Scott Pinsker #conspiracy #pratt pjmedia.com

In no particular order, when the Harris Honeymoon comes to a close, here are the 10 questions we dare the media to ask the Vice President:

“Nearly 92% of your White House staff has either quit in anger, resigned on their own, or been fired during your first three years as vice president – which seems like an unusually high number. Was the problem racism, Donald Trump, or that gosh-darn Russian misinformation?”

“Your first responsibility as vice president was solving the problem on the border. Bravo on a job well done! Which one of your clever strategies that fixed the border will you redeploy to tackle, say, high inflation?”

“Have you noticed that Hunter Biden seems all jittery and scatterbrained whenever he returns from the bathroom? Weird, huh?”

“In 2019, you claimed that ‘voter suppression’ was why Democrats Stacey Adams (Georgia) and Andrew Gillum (Florida) lost their elections. Have you ever apologized for being an election denier? I mean… don’t you realize that democracy dies in darkness?!”

Lincoln Brown #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

I recently reviewed the new film "God and Country." Briefly, my first takeaway from the film was that the threat of Christian nationalism was being intentionally overhyped in order to frighten the viewer. The idea is presented that there is a vast, well-funded, and powerful network of people who will seize the day after the election to create an America that is forever stuck in the racist, sexist, dystopian 1950s. My other takeaway? Watching the various vignettes and examples of what the filmmakers call Christian nationalism, interspersed with the commentary, one is left with the impression that anyone who is not a progressive is a suspect. I felt like I was being presented with two choices: Us or Them. There is no middle.

Christian nationalism has always been a part of the Left's talking points, and thus far, it has taken a back seat to MAGA Republicans and white supremacy. But it is about to be fused with them to become the third part of a triumvirate designed to further isolate those who do not see eye-to-eye with Left.

Stephen Kruiser #transphobia pjmedia.com

Anyone who writes anything truthful about trans issues is immediately labeled a bigot by the Pronoun Mafia. If I write about the unfairness of biological males competing against females in athletics, I'm history's greatest monster. Of course, being opposed to letting third-graders opt for genital mutilation without their parents knowing about it means one is hopelessly transphobic.

GRAYSON BAKICH #homophobia pjmedia.com

Brittani Cortina, another mom whose kids attend Pleasant Grove, said her fourth-grader described how "The teacher came in and spoke about how boys like boys and girls like girls" when announcing the club's creation. This apparently male teacher called the club "UBU," as in, "you be you."

Nope, no need to check that guy's hard drive.

A third mom, Pamela Davila, whose second-grader goes to the school, said her child came home "confused" when they heard about the club.

"These little minds just can't wrap their heads around what these types of things mean to them," Davila told CBS13.

MARK TAPSCOTT #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Off all the Left's revolutionary movements seeking to transform traditional American liberties and culture, none is as senseless and barbaric as that of transgenderism. It's the "T" in the "LGBTQ++++Etc..." formulation.

Transgenderism is simple to understand but difficult to contemplate why anybody in their right mind would adopt it as their fundamental worldview. But they do, and here's the rationale: Think you were born in the "wrong" body? Don't worry, we've got the drugs and surgical procedures to fix that!

Through its deadening control of most precincts in public education and public health, as well as a mainstream media that dares not include critical coverage of any sort regarding the movement, transgenderism is being forced into the deepest corners of American daily life, including most dangerously elementary schools.

Increasingly, parents, especially but not exclusively in blue states, are not allowed to know if their elementary school sons or daughters have been brainwashed into thinking they should be of the opposite sex.

The costs of GAS can vary widely, ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 or more. And that doesn't include the costs of drugs that must be continued long after the surgical procedure has been performed and healed. Take a mid-range figure of $35,000 as the average and multiply that times 48,019. The total is $1.6 billion.

If that seems like a tiny market for a huge special interest group like PhRMA to be concerned about, remember that the market is expected to expand significantly and a huge proportion of those who undergo such surgeries will need medical services, including pharmaceuticals, for decades afterward.

Lincoln Brown #transphobia pjmedia.com

On Father's Day, a lesbian couple decided to take their family to the Angel City Brewery following a Dodgers game. No surprise there. As expensive as things are in L.A., it was probably cheaper to go to a restaurant than to eat ballpark food. The last time I was at a ballpark, I darn near needed medical attention after seeing the price for a dog and a beer.

According to The Publica, the Angel City Brewery is known as a family-friendly restaurant and brew pub. One of the women named Alexis, along with her partner, took her four-year-old nephew to the women's bathroom. If you have ever been out and about with small children, you know that such a necessity arises from time to time. Alexis noticed a family with three little children and a trans woman who was staring at her and her nephew.

Since the incident, Alexis and her partner have been the subject of attacks by Danesh Noshirvan, who describes his work as a “fee-for-service online and telephonic cyberstalking service.” Noshirvan has publicly exposed Alexis and her partner and put their safety and her partner's business at risk. She has received odious messages from other people, hoping that she dies or that child protective services will take away the family's children.

What was Alexis' crime? Did she attack the trans man? Did she denigrate or belittle him? Did she deny his right to exist? None of the above. Her alleged "crime" in this case, was asking the man to show some consideration for others. Her offense was asking this person to show some consideration. As Alexis commented, “Women’s rights are slowly fading away thanks to men. Women’s rights matter! Women are being forced to accept trans identity by people who don’t even accept their own.”

MATT MARGOLIS #dunning-kruger #transphobia pjmedia.com

The differences between biological males and biological females explode during puberty," he began. "Girls, during puberty, develop 14% smaller hearts. Their lungs are 12% smaller... You cannot debate that. It's just a biological fact. That helps boys take in oxygen and pump blood more efficiently than girls can. That gives boys a clear edge in endurance sports like swimming, for example, cycling, rowing..."

Kennedy still wasn't done explaining the differences between boys and girls.

Girls develop a wider pelvis. That decreases the amount of force their legs exert when they're lifting, when they're kicking, when they're pedaling. That's another relative disadvantage, vis-à-vis boys or men, when you compare female athletes to their male counterparts. Now boys, in contrast, develop broader shoulders—a biological fact, folks—that allows them to make space for more upper body muscle mass and gives them a decided advantage when competing against a girl. It's hard to think—I can't think of a sport in which a higher muscle-to-fat ratio isn't helpful. The average boy will grow five inches taller than the average girl. It's just a fact. Even when men and women are the same height men have higher levels of bone density, which helps them move more forcefully and to escape more injuries.

Now, Democrats have, in the past sixteen years or so, gone all in on the idea that the physical and biological differences between males and females are irrelevant to what someone 'identifies" as, yet, as Kennedy so succinctly explains, the moment you let a male play on a women's sport's team just because he "identifies" as a woman, he's got a built-in advantage, and will steal opportunities from his female counterparts.

Will Democrats ever admit this?

Rick Moran #pratt pjmedia.com

The law says that no U.S. funding can be used to "fly or display a flag over a facility of the United States Department of State" other than the U.S. flag, other government-related flags like the prisoner of war or MIA flag, or flags in support of hostages and illegally imprisoned Americans.

This is interpreted as being "anti-LGBTQI+" because the "pride" flag had flown over some embassies in the past. Actually, I protest that embassies cannot fly the "Smokey the Bear" flag or the "Magic Kingdom" flag they fly at Disney. Those flags have as much business flying over a foreign U.S. enclave as the "pride" flag.

If you're going to fly a "pride" flag to celebrate the LGBT movement for equality, why not a flag to celebrate the movement for women's equality, black equality, Hispanic equality, Puerto Rican statehood, or any other of a dozen "movements" that would represent a goodly number of Americans who yearn for equal rights?

In today's lexicon, the "pride" flag should not be flown because it's "exclusionary."

MICHAEL CANTRELL #conspiracy #homophobia pjmedia.com

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice conducted an interview with Reid last Friday, where she was asked by the host why she wanted to see books such as "All Boys Aren't Blue" removed from public school libraries.

Justice essentially stated the material should be yanked from school library shelves due to containing rape, pedophilia, sex toys, and incest. Why is any of this featured in a book designed for minors? What reasoning could their possibly be for children to learn about sex toys? This is clearly grooming behavior.

No books are being banned,” the Moms for Liberty co-founder interjected. “I want to be clear, no one is banning books. Write the book, publish the book, put it in a public library. We’re talking about a public school library."

Yes, a public school is supposed to be for a whole community. They should not be catering to a specific group of individuals who want to normalize the sexualization of minors. I mean, this is not rocket science, nor should it be a moral conundrum. This is not appropriate material for kids to be exposed to, thus it does not belong in a school library. The end.

“Children don’t have unfettered access to the internet at school,” she added. “I did a records request and I wanted to see what kind of internet sites are banned in schools. If we’re going to talk about banning, and the subject matter in the books that moms are concerned about, they’re the same things that kids don’t have access to on the internet. So it just feels very hypocritical, right? Why is no one out there protesting for, you know, ‘Free the internet in schools!’?”

Rather than answer the question, Reid pivoted to talking about how conservatives are trying to ban not just these sexually explicit books, but beloved classics as well. Some of the titles she rattled off include "The Diary of Anne Frank," "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut, Judy Blume novels, and books concerning the Civil Rights movement.

It's pretty clear Reid recognized she was faltering, as she tried to change the subject and try a different angle to make it look like conservatives are fascists trying to censor progressives.

Justice made it clear during the interview the requests were made by local chapters of her organization, not the national organization.

Rick Moran #transphobia pjmedia.com

Title IX has been a godsend for women in sports, forcing schools to treat male and female athletes and the programs they compete in equally.

But the left has used Title IX to shoehorn their pet social engineering schemes into the mainstream. The new rules would eliminate restrictions on the use of bathrooms by trans students. It would also make a host of changes to how sexual harassment cases are handled on campus, removing the requirement for live hearings and cross-examination.

Robert Spencer #transphobia #homophobia pjmedia.com

One notorious example of this came on May 5, 2022, when the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced that it was planning to “interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

This new interpretation would mean that “state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

Biden’s leftism isn’t generally recognized as a religion, but it very much is one, as can be seen all over, for instance in the transgender pronoun fantasies and hunt for heretics who dare to “misgender” a particular fantasist, and the fervor with which supporters of abortion vowed to fight against all restrictions to the practice after Roe v. Wade was overturned. But since this secular ideology is not understood to be a religion, it is not seen as an established creed in violation of the First Amendment, as it would be in a sane polity. If it were, then the solution to it would also be found in the First Amendment, in the prohibition of such an establishment, and provisions such as school lunch money being withheld from schools that refused to indulge insane gender faddism would be seen as establishing a religion and accordingly ended.

Matt Margolis #transphobia pjmedia.com

“LGBTQIA... there's so many letters, they've just added a plus at the end," he said. "That's where we are now. What's going on? So, the same movement, because if we're gonna call that one thing was let's play it fair, the same movement that said that the sex of the person you're attracted to is hardwired on the day you're born—that was the premise of the gay rights movement for it to count as a civil right—that movement is now saying that your own biological sex is totally fluid over the course of your life. You can't believe those things.”

Ramaswamy continued: “And by the way, let's think about the feminist—the women's rights movement in this country, which said there's many ways to be a woman: You can have long hair, short hair, you can have wear a skirt, you can wear jeans—now says that ‘Oh if actually, you want to behave a certain way, that means you're a man.' So I think that the hypocrisies ]go all the way down. And I'll tell you what's going on. You can't believe both of those things at the same time, if you're operating according to principles of sheer logic. But you can if you're adopting a faith—a cult-like belief system.”

Ramaswamy went on to call transgenderism a mental health disorder, which the woman was clearly not thrilled with, even though there’s no reason to believe she didn’t expect such a response from him. She appeared to want to walk out of the event, but never quite made it. But he continued by citing the stories of well-known detransitioners who are now both in their 20s who were butchered as young teens. Their lives have forever been ruined because they were led down the path of transgenderism instead of receiving the mental health treatment they should have been given.

Megan Fox #transphobia pjmedia.com

He continued poking the beast by announcing, “Good news! There is NOT an epidemic of trans people being murdered. 5 out of 100k Americans are the victims of homicide. 1.1 out of every 100k trans people are victims of homicide. About 20-25 trans people killed each year. 51 Americans are struck by lightning every year.” These statstics fly in the face of the popular LGBTQWTF claims that trans people are at higher risk of violence than anyone else. It’s simply not true. But posting true things on Twitter won’t stop you from being banned today when feelings trump facts.

Maybe it was this next post that did him in. Everyone knows you’re not allowed to challenge the new gender theology. “These are both me. Sometimes I like looking like and androgynous emaciated albino space vampire. Sometimes I like looking like a strung out 90’s computer hacker. Sometimes I feel more gay vampire, sometimes I feel more sk8r boi. Guess what? That doesn’t make me my own special gender.”

Megan Fox #transphobia pjmedia.com

Libs of Tik Tok on Twitter is at the forefront of exposing all the teachers who are carrying on like stuck pigs because they can’t indoctrinate children anymore (at least in Florida). Not only did the bill outlaw discussions of sex and gender with students from pre-K to third grade, but it also outlawed hiding information from K-12 parents about their children’s gender identity or any other information that would be important for them to know. There is a disturbing trend of public schools actively keeping secrets from parents that has led to suicide attempts and harm to children. In Florida, that’s no longer allowed.

But at least one teacher, Amber Mercier who works at The Academy, says she’ll keep lying to parents about their kids, and she’s willing to lose her job over it.

Related for our VIPs: Parents Sue After 12-Year-Old Daughter Attempts Suicide at School—Twice—After Secret Trans Counseling

Mercier is gay, and she believes keeping secrets about sexuality from her students’ families — if the student wants her to — is worth losing her job over. “I just want to go ahead and state that I would rather lose my job than out one of my students to their families. Being a safe person and a safe place for kids who don’t have that at home is one of the best parts of being a teacher, so, yeah, I’m not doing it. Fire me, sue me, take me to jail — I’m not doing it.”

Kevin Downey Jr. #wingnut #racist #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Experts believe that more than seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House.

The apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are “families,” even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from Venezuela.

But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country and disappearing once they get in.
Retired U.S. Col. and a member of Devon Nunes’s staff, Derek Harvey, recently revealed to The Epoch Times that many of the Chinese men scrambling over the border are showing up with the same haircuts, tattoos, backpacks, and “pocket litter,” which he defined as the same wallet and the same type of ID cards. Even more harrowing, Harvey claims they are all a part of a special ops wing of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and our intel officials are well aware of what is happening.

He also stated that most of the Chinese are coming to the U.S. through the Darien Gap.

“We have Chinese nationals of military age coming into Latin America, coming across the southern border,” Harvey explained in a recent video interview. “They wear the same clothes, they have the same haircuts, they have the same pocket litter. They have the same, ah, knapsacks. It’s like it’s a uniform. And they get processed and they move on."
We have learned that intel officials and the CBP are allegedly well aware that China is sending special ops intruders over our border and the pinko press is diligently denying it. Chinese people appear to be using the Darien Gap to make their way to the U.S. in record numbers and military-aged men with the same haircuts, tattoos, and clothing are pouring over the border. Iran and Hezbollah are believed to have sleeper cells standing by. Joe Biden is allowing all of this to happen. What could go wrong?

Megan Fox #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

Ally Week, Sept 23-27: This week the gay mafia pressures your kid to become a warrior for the cause of the LGBTQWTF agenda items under the guise of being a good friend to others. Mission America writes, “It’s a peer-pressured, mob mentality seeking knee-jerk acceptance, at the same time isolating and marginalizing those who decline and labeling them as ‘haters’ and ‘bigots.’” Reminder: children who are Catholic, evangelical, or Muslim would automatically be put into a prejudicial category by default if they did not renounce their religious teaching.

Bisexual Awareness Day, September 23: Is this necessary? Is there a Catholic Awareness Day where public schools teach others to be tolerant of devout Catholics who believe in chastity? I don’t think so…nope. Just Googled it. Doesn’t exist.

Silence DoGood #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #racist pjmedia.com

That’s because the biggest criminals in world history, behind the Communist party, the Democrats, who funded Hitler, behind the victim groups and BLM, behind every American war, since and including World War 1, who control the media, tech companies, schools, Hollyweird, sports teams, and who have infiltrated Trumps administration too, are the owners of the Federal Reserve, evil Talmudic lying devils. They have armies of protection squads roaming social media, to ban and libel all opposition to these murderous and lying thieves as “anti-semitism”.

The easy to solution to our problems, is to hold the owners of the Federal Reserve accountable, however, that entails fighting past legions of their handpicked Praetorian Guard in our military, (The American military has belonged to the bankers since Wilson’s election in 1912. Since they have owned the Democrat party since then as well, it’s no coincidence that both World Wars were deliberately engineered by Democrat presidents) media, schools, and tech companies.
Once the less than 5,000 owners of the Federal Reserve are executed for unleashing this virus deliberately on the world, we will return to prosperity that we haven’t known since 1912.

The Democrat party will collapse, along with the income tax, Federal Reserve, and direct election of senators. The entire lying media structure will collapse, along with illicit SCOTUS rulings legalizing homosexuality, porn, abortion, and contraception. The military will no longer be used as a bankers toy, to protect their wealth and power around the world. Israel will collapse, along with China.

Race tensions will vanish, and the bankers pet organizations, that they use to attack Christianity and spread race tensions, the ACLU, ADL, BLM, and SPLC, will all collapse.

We either conquer these evil, murderous, lying snakes, or die trying.

Better to die free than to live a slave.