Conservative #fundie
The coward in the liberal and atheistic state of Oregon was clearly afraid to step out of the bedroom.[23] And he could have showed the cat who is boss without injuring the cat simply by means of a commanding voice or smacking him around with some pillows if need be. But the 911 recording clearly shows, like many liberal men, he lacked a commanding voice! The cat definitely knew who was boss in that household and who was the biggest pussy. The cat was the boss in that household and the liberal "man" was the biggest pussy in that household!
Furthermore, he told the lady 911 operator that he was the woman's boyfriend. It came as no surprise that he was merely the woman's boyfriend and not her husband. And what real man calls a woman for help to protect himself, a woman, a child and the household dog against a common house cat!
And of course the cat was fat because liberals and/or atheists are often too indulgent and permissive their pets and often in regards to themselves. See: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity. And in too many cases, when liberals and atheists do "love" their pets, it is an altogether inappropriate form of faux love and merely lust. See: Liberalism and bestiality and Atheism and bestiality.