Solar Guadian #conspiracy

My theory is that Comet Siding Spring is an ET ship disguised as a comet travelling ahead of an incoming celestial object or shortly after/before a superwave from a distant space object reaches us......

I think that there will be this big planet that will cause huge problems on Earth once its distance reaches us where its gravity and electro-magnetism would start to have a greater effect on our planet multiple times than it has caused to us for many years now......... Why we can't see it? It emits very little light and heat and can only be viewable in infrared and it travels at an angle either below or above the ecliptic plane of our solar system.

Why hasn't its gravity caused severe problems at Earth yet? The answer: Light to medium effects have already been caused towards Earth already since the 1990s, with most of the medium changes on Earth in concert with an accelerating magnetic pole shift started ever since the December 26 2004 9.3 Andaman quake. The medium changes that have started since that time would have caused even more greater cataclysmic Earth changes but due to the intervention by the angels/higher dimensional beings from 5th dimension, 6th dimension and above, the changes have been reduced in intensity by multiple times....

The annual megaquakes that happened since Feb 27 2010 Chile 8.8 quake were due to an electro-magnetic and gravitational alignment of Earth and the incoming celestial object/pulse emission from a distant space object where its position and emission vis-a-vis Earth's orbit around the Sun would bring it into a perfect opportunity to channel its gravity much more effectively towards Earth to cause such major seismic disturbances..... It's pretty complicated stuff that even our most smartest Earth scientists haven't figured out the mechanism behind that phenomena yet....

As for the severe changes, we are about to enter that stage, once the distance between Earth and the incoming object shortens to a point that our Sun's gravitational influence on Earth would exact less than 70% influence on Earth relative to the gravity the incoming celestial object would exact on Earth. For example, for the past two decades, the ratio has been from 95/5 (Sun's gravitational influence over Earth/ Incoming celestial object's gravitational influence over Earth ) since the 1990s to 70-75/25-30 in recent years.....

The heightened activity at Yellowstone and the agitation of several major magma hotspots around our planet this year are signs that Earth is about to suffer more intensely from this massive 'tug-of-war' between these two objects, since while the Sun is stationary and is not moving towards Earth, this object is moving towards Earth increasingly in momentum with each passing year.....

It could also be a superwave from the Galactic Center that would cause such changes..... Either way, Earth civilizations would never be the same after that happens....

Comet Siding Spring is an ET ship disguised as a comet travelling ahead of an incoming celestial object or before/after such a Superwave. Its purpose is to clear Mars from the remaining members of the Dark Cabal/Illuminati or to tow Mars' orbit into a much safer orbit far from the influence of the Brown Dwarf star/Superwave so that ships now in orbit surrounding Earth can transport Earth humans who want to go to Mars and with the ETs a safe place to live in Mars while Earth completes its changes/pole shift/dimensional shift.

However, I think massive Earth Changes would happen on Earth long before Siding Spring reaches its closest distance from Mars on October 19 2014, but due to the ET's mastery of space-time travel, those who want to choose to go with the ETs to escape the Earth changes can ride 'ferry ships' stationed around Earth's orbit to travel to Mars or Siding Spring ship to start living in the new society/civilization there tutored and mentored by the benevolent ETs.

I think the massive Earth Changes would start with 9-10 magnitude quakes at many locations close to major fault lines and subduction zones, all culminating in a major crustal shift that would happen once our magnetic pole shift starts shifting hundreds of miles in a span of a few weeks......

The benevolent ETs will reeducate us and tell us the real truth about everything including life in the Universe as well as the fact that our souls are united with the Universal Consciousness and all we need to do is do good to one another to enlargen our energy aura of our soul so that we may progress faster in spiritual evolution, while those who do bad to others or cause others psychic pain thru bad deeds such as bad actions and bad thoughts would have their energy aura damaged by the negative energies generated by those whom they have hurt (Karma) and so that causes them to spiritually devolve since their energy aura of their spirit would be smaller after that.

This is the reason why some evil psychotic humans, Reptilians and Greys have no soul, since they only feed from others' suffering and do not give out any positive energy from their thoughts/actions so after a long time doing that evil their soul would lose all of their energy aura and chakras and become a soulless entity destined to be consumed by an inner black hole generated from their own soulless quantum collapsing energy field where they will be suck in to another universe/reality where they would have to start over as atoms in another universe....).

So, if my theory is correct, everyone on Earth would have their lives changed by the events involving Earth changes and Extraterrestrials before or by October 19 2014.



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