(Supersport explains how animals in the wild never get sick. From three different comments in the thread)
Darwin, why do you think animals in the wild don't get diabetes? Why do they not get alzheimers? Why do they not get MS or or lupus or Depression? Why do they not get cancer? Why is it that dogs and cats start coming down with diseases such as cancer and diabetes only after they are in captivity....only after humans care for them and vaccinate them and give them all kinds of drugs, and processed food?
why is that?
[Mind-boggingly stupid statement. Animals in the wild do get various illnesses, but they don't usually survive long enough for us to find them while they are convalescing in a den or a nest, because they either starve or get eaten. In the wild getting sick is close to a death sentence.]
No they don't. Please show me where animals in the wild get diabetes, for example.
Animals in the wild DO get cancer. We see it much more often in animals under human control because... WE ARE THERE TO SEE IT.
I have an idea, why don't you go live in the wild, totally without modern medicine, modern agriculture, modern transportation and creature comforts. In a couple of decades, lets see if you have diabetes or cancer... or are even alive.
Supersport, if you go deep into the woods late at night, and if you're very, very quiet, you are likely to see the lab that makes insulin for animals.
Supersport, you are absolutely right. The animals in the wild do not suffer from disease, because god made animals perfect. Disease is simply a punishment for man's transgression. Of course, God presumably also made perfect viruses and pathogenic bacteria, that would be punished if they weren't to have suitable hosts, but I will stay away from that unholy, and corrupting thought, and walk the Lord's path.
It is a fact, not only do animals in the wild never get sick, but wild animals actually never die, because death itself is a punishment for human sin. What happens is that angels change the animals into their spiritual forms, and they continue living as before, unseen to human eyes. Can't you sense it? All around you, you are surrounded by the invisible, and perfect forms of immortal squirrels. Near your monitor, you will find an invisible spider, and an immortal centipede. That rabbit stew that you ate at your friend's place? Be at peace friend, for that spiritual rabbit is warm and happy in your home, occasionally raiding your fridge for some carrots.
Ok, explain to us what SARS is then, how we acquire AIDS and what the Antrax is. I would ask you as well, why is there a porcine plague and an equine one, and triquinox, specific to pigs and horses. Diabetes?, well, humans get mad cow disease but, to my knowledge, they don´t get equine plague.
Somebody needs to watch more Discovery Channel. I've absolutely seen examples of wild animals struggling with emotional or mental disturbances like depression.
Example--a silverback gorilla who recently lost one of his mates started lashing out violently at other members of his troup (gorillas are usually very gentle).
Just last night I saw a video of an elephant in the middle of a drought. Her youngest calf had died and the entire herd (is that the name for a group of elephants?) was getting desperately dehydrated. Rather than following her herd to the waterhole, she stayed with her dead calf and kept trying to nudge it to stand up. Meanwhile, both she and her other calf are risking death by dehydration, her herd is gone, and she stands there, charging any animal nearby, for hours.
"Why do they not get alzheimers? "
I remember one Zebra, walking around the house, forgetting his grand children's names, talking about people who were dead as if they were still around, always misplacing his glasses.
It was sad really. No-one likes to see a Zebra in such a condition.
FIV. SIV. Distemper. Parvovirus. Cancer. Rabies. Influenza. Scrapie. BSE. Deer Chronic Wasting Disease. Psittacosis. Anthrax. Borrelia. Bubonic plague. Hantavirus. Toxoplasmosis. Echinococcosis. Oropouche Fever. Typhus. Yellow Fever. Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever. Leptospirosis. Borna disease. Bang's Disease. Blackleg. Anaplasmosis. Bovine Viral Diarrhea. Campylobacteriosis. Leprosy. Pasteurella.
Those are just a very, very few diseases that hit animals. I'm leaving out a lot of really interesting ones, as well as virtually all diseases caused by parasites and fungi, and all genetic disorders. Animals have also been observed to be suffering from some sort of psychological disorder at least vaguely analagous to psychological disorders in humans, such as OCD.
Animals in the wild either recover more or less completely, or they die. The rare exception is the animal that manages to find a compromise with its condition that allows it to survive long enough to reproduce.
In conclusion, you are full of shit.
Why do they not get cancer?
See, everything gets cancer.
Question, do animals get Downs Syndrome? Trisomy 21? It sounds wierd, but I don't know.
Question, do animals get Downs Syndrome? Trisomy 21? It sounds wierd, but I don't know.
Yes, they can.
Certain other animals can be born with something similar.
I suppose that the typical wild creature doesn't need to worry about "bad" cholesterol, or reducing sodium intake, or hypertension. Or obesity.
Other than that, stuporsquirt is fulla shit.
"Please show me where animals in the wild get diabetes, for example."
"Animal models of diabetes"
-- John P. Mordes MD, Aldo A. Rossini MD, The American Journal of Medicine , 70.2:353-360 (1981).
Abstract: "Spontaneous diabetes is a common occurrence in many animal species. In addition, animals can be rendered diabetic by a wide variety of experimental procedures. [...]"
"Development of Type 1 Diabetes in Wild Bank Voles Associated With Islet Autoantibodies and the Novel Ljungan Virus"
Niklasson, Heller et al, Experimental Diabesity Research , 4.1:35-44 (2003).
Abstract: "Wild bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) may develop diabetes in laboratory captivity. [...] the development of type 1 diabetes in captured wild bank voles is associated with Ljungan virus. It is speculated that bank voles may have a possible zoonotic role as a reservoir and vector for virus that may contribute to the incidence of type 1 diabetes in humans."
As always, science had answered stuporspurt's question before they even asked it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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