A true atheist is one who denies God in order to commit sodomy.
I'm not sure you're in any position to decide what a true atheist is. Also, most atheists don't believe in any gods because religion makes no sense and has no evidence to back it up.
A true atheist cries when murders are executed, but smiles when babies are killed.
Actually, I'm not that opposed to the death penalty, as long as they don't accidentally kill an innocent. However, other atheist's opinions will vary on this, because the only thing we all have in common is lack of belief in any religions. Also, I don't want baby's to be killed, that would be terrible. I have no problem with a fetus being aborted though. There's a difference.
A true atheist drives God out of every aspect of modern life and then cries about persecution on the internet.
Atheists simply want to make sure separation of church and state is followed. Also, there are plenty of Christians who go on the internet to cry about persecution, as shown by many quotes on this site.
A true atheist mocks those who believe in Christ, but happily consorts with Wiccans and pagans.
Actually, I have no problem with Christians as long as they don't try to force their religion on others, or make up lies about people who have different beliefs, like you're doing. By the way, lying is a sin, just so you know.
A true Atheist believes the saving power of Christ is a joke, but lighting candles and praying to the earth goddess makes sense.
Apparently you really don't have any idea of what an atheist is, since by the very definition of atheism someone who believes in and prays to a deity is not an atheist.
A true Atheist would rather censor creationism then be bothered to prove evolution.
Proof is for mathematics. There is tons of evidence for evolution, but fundamentalists tend to ignore it anyway. Creationism, on the other hand, has no scientific evidence to support it, and is based on a flawed 2,000 year old book.