katye1889 #racist stormfront.org

Yesterday my daughter turned 4. She got a 24 color box of play-doh from her uncle. After playing with it a while along with a few friends. Her friends were mixing up some colors and I had to intervene and give a lecture to all of them about mixing up the colors.
I took pea sized amounts of black, white, yellow, brown, red, and orange and said how one could make a sun flower with yellow, a panda with the white and black, a pumpkin with the orange and dog poop with the brown. They all agreed that these unique colors were a good thing. Then I mushed them all together.
I asked if I was able to make a sunflower with my now ugly brown colored ball of dough? Was I able to make a pumpkin? A panda? No. I could make dog poop still but the pure brown was better looking, and so the girls all agreed the new color of mixed origins was no good to use except for poop.
I also asked them to consider the fact that never again could it produce yellow, or black, or red, and most of all white. Now whether they will retain this lesson I guess time will tell. Probably could be useful to teach idiots in adulthood too. Its so simple yet so hard for people to realize.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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