Ghost #fundie

LGBTQ Slippery Slope? Man Wants To Become Genderless Alien.

In a previous article in which I highlighted the organized LGBTQ movement’s ambition towards children, I asked the readers, ” What’s next?” It seems that people within the LGBTQ movement are moving the bounds of morality simply for vindictive shock value, or these people are suffering the side-effects of psychosis due to being infected with HIV/AIDS. Either way, the more disgustingly perverted the LGBTQ gets, the more support they lose from sympathetic supporters.

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, the LGBTQ comes up with more disturbing ways to take its “movement.” Below is a video of a man who wants to become a “genderless alien.” Now remember, if you are repulsed or appalled by this person, then according to the LGBTQ movement, then you are a homophobic bigot.

As you can see, this slippery slope continues on this downward fall towards the ridiculously perverted. If you listen at around 4:00, this genderless alien talks about wanting to adopt children. Now what is it about the LGBTQ movement and their infatuation with children? One can only assume, based on how they define their existence on how the like to have sex, the LGBTQ has a sexually nefarious motive for this children fetish.

Regardless how one justifies it, this LGBTQ slippery slope continues and will not stop. They got hate crime bills, new definition of marriage and the general acceptance of America; not even these special privileges (not equality) can pacify the perverted appetite of these people. So unless voices on the civilized side of the LGBTQ start denouncing these type of freaks from their community, their movement will take a giant step back. And when that happens, the majority of people are not going to care. For the evidence of LGBTQ’s past will speak for itself in the future.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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