Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
So W is just like an M, just upside down. Upside down stuff is common in satanic meanings. So the Wii is really 1002. Now just simply turn that backwards and we have 2001. Ring any bells? Sure.. 2001 a Space Odyssey which describes the total transformation of humans to their next incarnate plane at certain intervals. This is Satan's lie, that you will become like gods.
What's the sequel to 2001? 2010, the year we make contact! But this is a sequel. What's the number of a sequel? Yes, 2. So really the year we make contact is 2012--or so the devil would have you believe. It's all smoke and mirrors for when the Lord's chosen get raptured up into heaven before the start of the great tribulation. TPTB want the rest of the world to believe that the nonexistent alien beings took us away...or maybe we weren't in the right frequency of earth's natural harmonic, and so were deleted from earth's program. Either way, they're all lies my friends.
Need more proof? Why certainly I'm glad you asked. Nintendo. Nin is Nine ten is well duh ten. Do is the first word in do re me fa so la tee do. 9 + 10 +1= 9/11. I don't know how to make this any clearer folks.
So don't worry, don't even think about the fact that when you fire up another game of Wii Bowling with your friends, you guys have just bowled yourself a one-way ride down hell's alley. Game over. you lose.