Pastor Fred Phelps comes a whole lot closer to being right than MOST pastors in America today, i.e., concerning his fierce stand against homosexuality in America. Would to God that more pastors CARED about the deplorable spiritual condition of the United States. The average American today has waxed sinfully proud, spoiled, and indifferent concerning evil. You can't tell most Americans the truth nowadays, because they either flare up in hostility and rage or could care less. Many Americans have become intolerant and hostile towards the truth. A soon to be released Walt Disney movie, UNDER DOG, features the motto... "One nation under dog!" BLASPHEMY!!!
One nation under God...what chapter and verse is that? Oh, it's not in the Bible? So how is that blasphemy then, if it's not mentioned anywhere in your religion?
Oh, and Phelps is nothing more than a hatemonger who hides behind a Bible. No more, no less.
'One nation under Pig', if you're going to blaspheme then may as well go whole hog (I'm a literary genius).
So, what two people do in the PRIVACY of their own home is more evil to you than say, rape, murder, extortion, torture, fraud, theft, not to mention lying through your teeth in order to win votes.
You care nothing for morality or human suffering.
Mother Terasa syndrome here, spent her life caring for the orphans and disguarded children of India and around the world, when asked what the greatest evil in the world was she doesn't say that people are having too many babies through ignorance of contraception, she doesn't say stronger family ties and a willingness to look after the children you have, no, she says abortion is the greatest evil. Way to exacerbate the problem.
Geez, don't start lying about Disney too. LIBEL!!!!
Huh? One of the tag-lines for "Underdog" was "One Nation, Under Dog."
What are you talking about? o.O
The average American today has waxed sinfully proud, spoiled, and indifferent concerning evil.
No, they just don't stick their noses into other peoples' business and call them evil. And they don't form bigoted, judgmental, holier-than-thou opinions and then cherry-pick the Bible looking only at stuff that agrees with them. According to the Bible, homosexuality is no worse than eating linguine with clam sauce or sassing your parents or gathering kindling for your fireplace on the Sabbath.
funny that, i thought "most americans were christian" ....
must explain the whole "most americans dont want to hear
the truth"
Illuminatalie: "Why the fuck, if most americans are so evil, do you live in the USA? "
Because the USA is the bestest nation on the Earth, it was specifically founded to be Christian by our Founding Fathers, and we are God's chosen. Sometimes they go so far as to deny that the modern country of Israel has anything to do with the Biblical Israel, and that the US is, in fact, the direct descendants of the Twelve Tribes.
It's like trying to hold both ends of a seesaw to the ground. As soon as you push back on the "America is so fallen!" argument, up pops "America is the greatest nation on Earth!" and the cycle begins again.
Okay, my Dad lives in Topeka. Dad leans so far to the Right that he makes Strom Thurmond, Bob Dole, and James Dobson look like "leftist" liberals. That being said, Dad would love to find a legal reason to "RUN OVER THAT STUPID IDIOT THAT KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT JESUS." And yes, Dad yells it.
Yeah, and that attitude Phelps has is what caused him to be banned from Canada. Real role model there. Well, it did cause the Patriot Guard Riders to be formed, so...
'Pastor Fred Phelps comes a whole lot closer to being right than MOST pastors in America today, i.e., concerning his fierce stand against homosexuality in America.'
Fred is a sick asshole whose entire church is inbred. The Phelps family isn't allowed to marry outsiders.
'The average American today has waxed sinfully proud, spoiled, and indifferent concerning evil.'
Describes most fundy 'Christians' to a T.
'A soon to be released Walt Disney movie, UNDER DOG, features the motto... "One nation under dog!" BLASPHEMY!!!'
More like......BULLSHIT!! Go fuck yourself with your KJV Buy-bull, David.
Why does "God" (rather, a selection of his followers) have such a problem with gay dudes? Seriously. You'd perhaps understand if they wanted to persecute Satanists or something, but no, it's all about the homosexuals. I can't think of a more religiously harmless group to prejudice against...
"One nation under ! BLASPHEMY!"
Yes, how DARE someone have any sense of humour whatsoever, especially if they use lame puns!
This is odd coming from Stewart. Usually media whores are jealous of each other and do their best to run each other down. I guess, since Phelps gets so much attention, Stewart is trying to hitch his wagon to Phelps "star" in the hopes that some of his notoriety will rub off.
Well, you know what they say:
Haters of a feather, RAGE together.
"the deplorable spiritual condition of the United States. The average American today has waxed sinfully proud, spoiled, and indifferent concerning evil. You can't tell most Americans the truth nowadays, because they either flare up in hostility and rage or could care less. Many Americans have become intolerant and hostile towards the truth."
Projecting much, you kiddy-diddling nonce? Two Words: Tony Alamo.
Fred Phelps is brain dead, mother fucking goddamn brain dead moron. And yes, I am saying "Goddamn" on purpose to piss you and your shrimp dick fundamentalist fuck buddies off. Whatever happened to "Jesus loves you"? Fundamentalism like this is the exact reason I became an atheist.
Fuck Your God, Holy mother for the whore she is,
Fuck your God, bible thumper preaching threats from hymn,
Fuck your god, his revival and the holy Ghost,
Fuck your god; only tell us what we need to know,
Fuck your god, pointing fingers and then do as me,
Fuck your god, you are nothing and you'll never be,
Fuck your god; it is Satan who in trusts my soul,
Fuck your god, where the Christians are I will not go.
Fuck your god!!!!!
What the f-. Oh, it's just Dave J Stewart...
Then I'll rant about something else: What's with the change from "couldn't care less" to "could care less"?
They're not synonyms, people, they are each other's opposites!
Wow! David you and fred have so much in common because your both pedantic, pontificating, pretentious b@$t@RD$, belligerent old farts, worthless steaming pile of cow dung, figuratively speaking. Wink wink!
It's good to know that you regard an aging, senile, barking-mad child-abuser, confirmed wifebeater and seething ball of hatred as a paragon of Christianity. Really.
"Why the fuck, if most americans are so evil, do you live in the USA?"
Actually, ol' Davey-boy is holed up in Guam. For obvious reasons:
"Wait, wait, I can do better. Phred Phelps Phan Phorum"
How about: Fag Phelch and his Westhomo Bumtist Choadch.
Another example of the severe sense-of-humour-penia* of most fundies.
* -penia = deficiency.
Also Fred Phelps is a lawsuit whore, and it's debatable whether he actually believes the shit he says.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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