CycloneOz #conspiracy
QUESTION: If you had spent the last 7+ years fundamentally changing America using the most reprehensible and lawless means possible, would you peacefully surrender power to another person who could theoretically undo it all in the course of one business day?
Among many other negative things, Obama is a marxist communist. Once in power, they rule for life. History provides NO EXCEPTIONS to this hard and fast rule.
***There will be no Trump Presidency***
***There will be no Clinton Presidency***
Such being the case, in order for Obama to rule in 2017 and beyond...THE FUCKING WHEELS HAVE TO COME OFF OF THE USA!
Unfortunately for America...all it will take is the push of one of the numerous "Dominoes of DOOM" the Democrats have created during the two terms of the Obama Administration.
The "Dominoes of DOOM":
1. Economic collapse from insane federal monetary policy and unsustainable spending.
2. Racial Unrest - #BlackLivesMatter are TERRORISTS!
3. Civil War - Will Mom & Pop America be pushed to the breaking point by something akin to the siege at the Hammond Ranch in Oregon?
4. World War III - courtesy of Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama...screwing around in the Middle East!
5. Natural Disaster (a yearly possibility)
...and there are other Dominoes of Doom! The Democrats are very intelligent for mentally ill people. Their plans are devious and complicated.
One thing is for sure...2016 will be DOOM!
Can you think of another "Domino of DOOM" that is poised for the fickle finger of fate?