why dont teachers stop teaching their fake global warming and green peace agendas and start teaching about the REAL world around us.
Oh, you mean the real world that God created in which a talking snake convinced a lady made from the rib of a man who was made from dirt eat from a magic tree which put a curse on us all unless you telepathically tell his magic zombie son you accept him as your savior so he can let you eat his flesh so you can live forever in a magic sky paradise instead of a place of torment where you burn forever in a fire even though you don't have a physical body?
Is that what you're getting at?
One of the best options we have for reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions is building more nuclear power plants.
While it's true that the same people who are doing the most to raise Global Warming awareness are also the same people who, mysteriously, oppose nuclear power, that doesn't mean Global Warming is fake.
Now, I may be in the party of people that accept that Global Warming is happening, and that it ISN'T humanities fault, but Green Peace last I checked is beneficial. Why not save fuel by using it more efficiently? That just means that what used to require 5 units now only uses 1 unit to run, and you can achieve so much more with that original 5 units. What's wrong with progress?
There's nothing real about your definition of the real world, assuming that you are a regular fundie.
Most of us would prefer out kids to be taught things that will hopefully make the world a better place for them and generations still to come, than your mythological babble.
so today children we discuss talking snakes as mentioned in the Bible. Open your Harry Potter book to the page on the board and read about Harry and the snake at the zoo.
From this we conclude that Eve was a parseltongue.
Tomorrow we tackle flaming bushes and their similarity to Flying Spaghetti monsters.
Thats all for today kids.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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